My brother, a long time libertarian active in the libertarian party, considers Mr. Trump to be just the same as any other "demopublican" as he calls them. I have tried to persuade him that this is not the case. True, as Richard says in his post, he has missed many opportunities to do the right thing, from a practical point of view he still seems to me to represent our best hope of improving an almost impossible situation and supporting many of the most important things that lovers of individual liberty and protection of human rights want to see. I haven't had much success with him so far, however I am sure there are libertarians who would listen to reason. His recent support for protections for cryptos like bitcoin and stance against CBDCs and promise to commute the sentence of the Silk Road founder are good indicators of his willingness to consider libertarian viewpoints.

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Everyone seems to forget this is 5D irregular warfare. Misinformation and (initially perceived) bad decisions has been deceiving our enemies, establishing traps, exposing evil and allowing our enemies to destroy themselves. We must not forget this key element of both the art of war and irregular warfare; we do so at our own risk. Blessings!

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I try to always take that fact into account. I know that Mr. Trump is far more intelligent than most give him credit for being, and that he says and does things that contradict what I know he certainly must be quite aware of, and that this certainly tends to make many of our enemies underestimate him in line with "The Art of War" as it applies to the intellectual and spiritual battle that is presently ongoing.

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True. The more I learn about all of this, the more I realize I don’t know about operational status!

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Concur with your narrative.

MAGA is a populist movement far distinct from the RINO infested Republican Party which has sold it's soul to the corruption of the Deep State. I like Rick Scott to replace McConell, the two headed snake.

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Very well written, and I basically agree with you. I agree that DJT is not wanted by the Deep State, and that is good. That said, I felt that he is Israel First, and still feel that way. I don't expect perfection from any human, but he missed many opportunities to do the right thing, Julian Assange being a big example.

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Looks like Ulrich (sp ?) and Assange are on the pardon list if Trump is elected. How in the world can a first offender get 2 life sentences and 20 years for selling stuff on the internet. Shut his business down. Pass a law its illegal. Probation for years not forever! Amazing how Trump who like Reagan was a Democrat is becoming more aware of lazy, good ole boy and mediocre judicial system. Empathy!

I am a person who admires our constitution. When Trump was President no new wars for 4 years. Israel is not first. America is first🇺🇸. Israel is the only Democracy in the middle east. Very important. Even islamic countries dont like Hamas. Egypt would not let Hamas Gaza refugees in. Its uncontrollable. Our borders are open. Chinese, Russian, Hamas, Taliban South American jails and mental institutions emptied while Bidens federal government fights Texas. Libertarians protect our country! Win with a warrior thst loves freedom! Biden in the white house is bizarre. Get some good things by voting Trump. The uniparty hates him. Crazy. Will Republicans throw out RINO’s. Kari Lake won the election in Arizona. Why didnt the Republicans stand with her? Lamb is her opponent. He is a strong sherriff but he could have stood with her. Why not? He wants to win. But we win as a team! Unite the good. Stop fighting people on the same side. The Democrats have changed. They mean to put NOT normal people in power. Want you yes you to eat roaches. Child molesters need to be ousted from any elected office and public place. Sex is for consenting adults. Unite to save freedom. Lamb wont do it. Will you? Win some good things while we can! 2024 🇺🇸

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WELL STATED, Clandestine! And you are absolutely correct. Does anyone think that the alliance of Xi, Putin, and Trump (even bin Salman) agree on everything? Not at all, but they have common interests and goals. You’ve described the breakdown between the RNC and MAGA. However, we have much in common with RFK, Jr and the serious libertarians and I concur that we will go much further with using the GOP as the conveyance toward our goal vs splitting up and risking everything. We cannot afford that risk! A loss not only risks the US sovereignty, but a loss risks all the countries counting on us to lead the awakening. Unlike the CIA, et al., this time for good for individual freedom in stable, sovereign countries.


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I concur, and well put Clandestine.

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Spot on clandestine! Trump was on fire and in fine form during his speech. Only around a 1/2 hour long and he talked about damn good accomplishments that libertarians and all Americans can be proud of and agree with. I am never a fan of that Anarcho wing of the libertarians. I voted for Ron Paul on the 1988 ticket in Illinois for Pres. He was the libertarian candidate. I do consider myself Libertarian while also not very involved with the party either. This world has too much secretive infiltration and subversion for decades and significant house cleaning needs to happen. DJT is the man with team and plan to get the job done. A real no-brainer as you said. As far as I can see, he is the ONLY one for the job. Thanks for all you are doing to report and share information.

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With the sh*tstorm that is currently raging in New York and D.C. you seem unusually quiet. Hopefully you are coming up with a plan to organize a response for November. To stir the pot, I can see the Dems pulling an October surprise having Biden dropping of the election for "health reasons" to be replaced by a more saleable candidate. If not, it would be a great book!

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