Exactly and the fact is there is much common ground between them. We’ve been programmed since the ‘artificial’ Cold War that all things Russia is evil....watch any old war movie and you’ll see the predictive programming.

Both men know without a shadow of a doubt that the biological weapons treaty was deliberately violated in Ukraine and likely the majority of the remaining +- 200 labs DoD has established around the world, in bed with the CIA and other 3-letter corrupted agencies.

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Cornered like rats.

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This is really good, Trump and Putin have done the exact opposite of what these crazed lunatics have been shouting from the rooftops. Well done, we can tell when someone is full of it by asking them their thoughts on either topic. Being patriotic has been this weird grey area for so long because the DS was everywhere, every day that passes the grey area disappears. We can get down to it by saying it's Red, White, and Blue or F@#K YOU.

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You do make sense in recognizing that Putin can wait things out for some time. I do hope that as there may over time, this coming year, be discoveries of more labs or more human trafficking operations or any dangerous weapons arsenal build ups (recall the radioactive ammo storage), that Putin and Russian Military or Special Ops will act to eliminate, reduce, remove any threats and or capture any criminal elements in Trafficking types of operations. Strategic strikes as necessary!

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So true. Putin made a concise statement of Russia's objectives when the special military operation began. And Russia has stuck to the effort to achieve that goal.

I don't recall that kind of clarity or determination from US leaders when we invaded a country.

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The world knows the insanity of Ukraine.

It is FJB'S war and it will not end well for the Diapered Muppet. Thankfully, the face if the UniParty, Kevin McCarthy, is no longer Speaker of the US House of Representatives.

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