He couldn't have done it by himself, he has a whole team of diverse writers to feed him soft one liners. And don't forget Dr Jill dragging him like around like an old boot. I've never seen a babysitter stick it out for a senile boss this long. Team work is fueling this 3 ring circus longer than anyone thought possible..

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And did you know

Saudis signed petro contract with Russia

Hence the Russian subs off coast to protect their investment.

Obama et al hate America.

The satanic zio

cult time is short.

Bank of England next.

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Yo, Jill, babysitter now wife. Do you not understand incompetence and elder abuse?

You and your ally, coke head Hunter.

The two of you are quite the pair, protectors of the family criminal cartel.

From the beach....


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He most certainly is….interesting that he’s a catalyst for worldwide awakening, not what his handlers intended. Thank you, Clandestine, always look forward to your analysis!

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I think that's right, it seems that everything his handlers do never result in what they intended.

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Good for us, though!🇺🇸

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Who gives a s..t what the Russians think. We know that we are being led by a dud. At least we have the ability to tell him to pack up his Hot Wheels and go home.

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The democrats are allowing this because they want someone else in. Who?

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