Clandestine, I so appreciate the little tidbits of truth you drop! Right to the point. God bless you, and thank you!

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It's incredible to me that so many people now know just what they are doing and how unlawful and unethical it is and yet it still goes right on ahead with new outrages almost daily. How long can this go on?

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UIntil Congress grows a spine.

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Sooo, never, right?

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My gut instinct agrees, too many bought and paid for, we're lucky if they show us their backsides.

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No one’s above the law ..












Et al infinitum

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They have had a very long time to set the deep state and its both parties that did it. Mostly the left but the RINO's have been instrumental in it. We no longer have a government for the or by the people.. I don't know what the fix is. I wish I did but whatever it is I feel there will be bloodshed.

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Heard him make his statement, appeared as if he himself did not even believe the words coming from his mouth. I certainly know that I believe he has perjured himself before Congress and has no creditability with most Americans. Stand up Congress and hold their feet to the fire!

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How can it be a smear if it is the truth. Did he lie to the special counsel? That should be grounds for impeachment right there (not that there are’t multiple causes that we know about already).

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100% I'm not in charge a this but if I was these people would be arrested an hung for treason. Lucky for them. 😅

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All congress does is talk talk talk!! But nothing ever changes. We know they are all dirty! America is going down the drain with all these liars and thieves!

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