This proves two things I have known for a while; the Biden’s are dirty bastards and Trump is the bravest man I’ve ever known.

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President Putin is too. These are really scary times,.....it's like living in the Lord of the Rings!

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The Punisher

Drip . drip .. drip ...

God Bless Digital Warriors, the White Hats, and God Bless President Trump.

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Unbelievable that Biden and his cohorts are free. You can't make this stuff up - it's the scoop that every starry-eyed college journalist dreams of. Alas, crickets from the soon-to-be-dead media.

To the normies' credit, my theory is that it's impossible (with one exception) for anyone except a like-minded criminal to think this could ever happen. In other words, normies are good people and good people don't imagine their leaders could be involved in this - a fact that the corrupt, criminal leaders have continually exploited. The exception? That would be we who are red-pilled - which (thanks to you and other patriots), are growing by leaps and bounds.

Thanks for keeping us (and Newsweek) informed about this, Clandestine. In a just world, you would get the Pulitzer Prize for your reporting. God Bless!

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Clandestine, Thank You!🙏🙌

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Game Over Man!!!

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The cherry on the cake!!

This is so incriminating I dont see how the Bidens will get away


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And without an awaken Base, he would have been destroyed just like Ron Paul. God Bless Trump for standing in the Gap like no other.

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Wow. ok. Do you are think that their tweaked flu release,....or fake flu release since no one has ever actually SEEN the 'original' covid virus, not in a patient or under a microscope;......was all of this death and destruction of the whole planet contrived just to cover up what they were doing with the Biolabs? And since Taiwan has even more biolabs,.....why are they not freaking out when Xi says he's taking over Taiwan early? Does that mean Xi is in on all this? Part of it?

Or are they just so stupid that they accidentally killed millions of people? Are they accidentally sterilizing millions of little girls? My husband thinks most of what is going on locally is just because people are stupid and don't see that what they are doing,......is dumb and wrong. I'm not so sure. Money is a good motivator!

Seems like their incentivized murder in hospitals in all Western Countries with drugs like remdesivir (only in the US, morphine in the UK) then ventilators they knew were killing people was a very big step to take just to cover up bioweapons labs?

My husband thinks they are stupid and didn't expect so much death and damage,...but I read about the Animal Trials for the mRNA shots,.....Dr. Merritt was one of the doctors who saw the trials first hand and she said it was horrific! When they reintroduced the vaxxed Ferrets and Cats to the wild virus (flu?) everyone of them Died a horrible death! All their body organs got inflamed and failed. And you know they didn't put them down early to avoid all the suffering of the 1000's of subjects......so they must have KNOWN the Autobody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) was going to be really horrible.

Or maybe they were just trying to decrease the numbers of old folks collecting social security to extend their debt scam longer? Social Security is failing.

It seems to me, there is much more that they are trying to hide. Their Human Trafficking, The torture of innocent children it takes to keep up their Adrenochrome production, Their Drug Trade, Their collapsing monetary Scheme to keep everyone in debt and milk every last drop of off of their financial SCAM before it crashes down,....and it is crashing as it does every 70 years or so. And without WW3 or a global Civil War, which they are getting now,.....they can't cover up their plan to move the world to Global Currency that is controlled by them.

Their Slow but steady killing off of the human race over decades,....with food destruction and medications that hurt rather than heal,.....to keep people sickly and weak. Remember the saying,....'a patient saved is a customer lost'.

A new study came out just now that shows that Antidepressants do not decrease depression,.....they do not raise serotonin. So what do they do? Make people apathetic, calm and compliant? Every one is on them. Many are on more than one! I have a 17 year old niece who's been on them for years!

I think they are also covering up the Evil that has taken of over the Catholic Church/Vatican,.....and many other religions more than 2,000 years ago. I'm reading a book that Clif High (also on Substack) recommended that talks a lot about the Bible and how it's been manipulated and changed and tweaked to make it work to Control the Masses....this has been going on forever. (any one interested, here is a link to the book. I got it on amazon kindle for under $10. It's called "The Naked Bible: the truth about the most famous book in history." https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Bible-Truth-famous-history-ebook/dp/B099XB75MQ/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1651252461&sr=8-1 Every time the people in Control want to shift their agenda or control something,.....they just have a Council and make changes to the book. )

There is so much evil that these Oligarchs/Cabal have done forever,......their filthy paws have touched everything and in everything they touch, all the goodness and light is destroyed. They hate goodness and light. They don't have any,......that's why.

How do we fight against a group so powerful they control narratives in every country and in every mind? And what do the shots do to people's brains since they cross the blood/brain barrier? We know they cause infertility, but there must be something else too,......are they trying to see who can survive their new tech? How everyone reacts to what they have inserted into our DNA? What kinds of mutations might pop up over time? Will there be "mutants" like in the X-Men?

This can't just be about Biden Crime family and covering up Bioweapons, can it? The people who have done this damage for decades and decades have been working on it for 2000 or more years! Clif High thinks more like 6,000 years! I think there must be another agenda,.....maybe we are only seeing small parts of what is going on,.....maybe their really are a Class of Elite/Hybrids that think they're the Gods of this Planet. I know it all sounds way out there,.....but I'm thinking we may be unused to thinking big,....big enough that even things we have seen in Movies (Movies the Cabal allow us to see.) aren't just in the movies! They always seem to have to tell us what they are going to do no matter how evil it is.....maybe the movies aren't really FICTION? I don't know. Maybe time will tell.

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There are certainly those who believe Xi is a white hat or under the white hat's control. I believe Clif High talked about that last year. To us, the CCP seems like one seamless blanket but there are factions within it and a struggle for power at the top.

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You research is fantastic! Keep exposing these criminals!!!

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Jacob, you’re 100% spot on! 🔥

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Let’s see what Newsweek does with this!

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Some notes from a DRASTIC researcher....

Biden had numerous reasons to interfere with Ukrainian relations with the new administration in 2016

1) His son Hunter was put on the board of Burisma to help facilitate the money laundering that sent ~$7B to oligarchs funding mercenary operations against Putin, beginning in Obama's 2nd term. Literally no one thought Trump was going to win, and thus a mad scramble ensued after the election to prevent exposure of all sorts of activities. Taking out Flynn while making Ukraine about Trump was a master stroke from that perspective.

2) His son Hunter was also involved in other bad ideas, like funding deep-state bioweapons projects under the guise of collecting massive quantities of bat viruses for pandemic prevention. Rosemont Seneca's funding of Metabiota was basically laundering of private money into IN-Q-Tel projects to support the taxpayer funds funneled through USAID. Hunter Biden's proclivities and his father's lifelong pursuit of the presidency made them easy to manipulate, and the pathetic slate of presidential candidates in the Democratic party meant that the deep state had a golden opportunity to finally install a true puppet. After all, any attempt by Biden to buck them could be neutralized by selectively leaking info on Biden's misdeeds in Ukraine, China et al.

3) Nathan Wolfe of Metabiota was also big on the idea of pandemic insurance - and his selling point for corporations was that being able to predict the emergence of new pandemic-potential strains would be a vital leg up on the competition. Self fulfilling prophecies usually are. However, Metabiota has had direct ties to the suspected origins of the West African Ebola epidemic AND the WIV/COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, Metabiota and VHFC partners Tulane University were both kicked out of the Kenema Lab in Sierra Leone in early 2014 after they 'bungled' the testing of samples in the first months of the outbreak. The head of the Tulane group? Robert Garry, a participant in Fauci's 2/1 teleconference and one of the five authors of the seminal propaganda piece "Proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2.

4) Ron Klain was a perfect liaison between the Bidens and Fauci, as well as CEPI, the BMGF & the WHO. During the Trump years, he stayed busy by laying out messaging strategies for future pandemics, and his talk during Outbreak Week at Harvard in 2018 was incredibly prescient and instructive in this regard. By late January 2020, Klain was already laying out the arguments against Trump that would be used later on the campaign.

5) PREDICT was mostly designed to develop a large variety of genetic sequences to pull from for bioweapons research. In particular, the military and the IC have been researching genetic and immuno-suppressive capabilities for incapacitating agents since the late 1970's. The Furin Cleavage Site, SEB-like toxic residues, GP120 & interferon dysregulation elements within the SARS-CoV-02 genome were all [unsurprisingly] bioweapons or potential bioweapons investigated in this pipeline; the fact that most of those elements were tightly packed in the spike protein, that each element had been proposed within the DEFUSE proposal, and that all of those elements were then retained specifically within the two mRNA vaccines is "unlikely to be fortuitous."

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Why does this seem to me like the ultimate bait and switch? How often have our enemies controlled both sides? Did the press not terribly demonize George W. Bush as president, though he was obviously under the control of the same agency that controls the press? When it was Bush vs Gore, didn't the cabal control both sides in that case, even though they made it seem like the closest most contentious race for president in 100 years? In this context, it seems as though Biden is the bait...they are going to make us hate Biden and everything he stands for...so that we will buy the switch...which is Trump's leadership into a new global centralized financial system...exactly what the authoritarian technocrats want. I'm saying it's a possibility. As a competitor in chess and poker, I'm used to planning for multiple contingencies and not guessing about things that are unknowable. The truth will reveal itself. We don't need to leap anywhere. As soon as Trump is everyone's hero and we all feel like we should celebrate victory, that's when I am suspicious as hell. Everyone celebrated victory after WW2 and that is exactly when the USA brought the Nazis home to roost, and we are still ruing that day. That day led to this day.

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Thank you Clandestine for putting this out there - much appreciated

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It makes me wonder, what other countries are compromised by the DNC like Ukraine?

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Hope there is not another "Not Found, error 404" ;)


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Bio I really appreciate your analyses, I’ve been a paid subscriber to your channel for a while, and I follow you in Telegram. Today I tried to read the comments on one of your posts and it said I could t because I had been banned by an admin. I don’t even think I’ve ever even made a comment on your channel? Not sure WHY I was banned. Maybe you can “unban” me? Seems so odd.

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