You are hot on the truth trail. The US State Department and CIA are spolied step children whom have cojointly created their own Mafia fiefdom in Ukraine. Putin found out about the biolabs approved by the Muslim dude from Kenya. Game over.

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What has become of Victoria Nuland, has she already vacated her position in Ukraine with the U.S. State Dept.? I seem to remember that she had no problem responding to Matt Gaetz questions while in the hot seat before Congress with respect to the biolabs.

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I believe she has left the USSD. However, her shadow remains. People in government lie all the time with no consequences. When challenged, "I don't recall" is the common answer .

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That they do without a care. My mistake; that was Marco Rubio who grilled Victoria Nuland. Alot of interesting background noise there including her husband Robert Kagan.

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Noise is the specialty of our federal government. All unworthy of a listen.

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You’re exactly right about all of this. If the committees aren’t asking the right questions, then the obvious conclusion is: most, if not all, of the committee members are in on the ‘protection’ of one of the world’s most egregious perpetrator of crimes against humanity. That makes them complicit.

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I am so curious- how did you ever ferret out the ties that Nathan Wolfe had with the Clintons and Maxwell? I swear independent journalists like yourself will become THE go to for people wanting real news in the very near future. You guys are the only ones speaking truth.

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They probably have their fingers in the pie as well… Everybody needs to be fired!

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It would not surprise me one bit that those on the committee are purposely not asking about the biolabs in Ukraine. The corruption is deep and wide in our government.

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They sure are or they have blinders on. They sure did make a big fuss censoring and attacking anyone who talked about them. They laughed at the allegations when brought up at the UN meetings specifically called to address the bio-weapons. It was funny until that husky deep state lineman victoria nuland said they did exist and shouldn't be in Russia's hands. Now the whole situation is a joke with one side either sucking fauci off and thanking him for his service to our country. With the other side running in circles with their questions about gain of function or whatever else. Is it just too inconvenient for one damn person to mention the dozens of labs lined up near the border of Russia? This is all such a clown show until we get the answers to the difficult questions. Not sure that we will

sorry clandestine, I know this has to sting....

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Jun 3·edited Jun 4


Some W-Folks have a hard time believing


Monsters Wish



just got back from bank and Dumbf*cks are

Still Wearing masks.

CA is lost.

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I saw a young to middle aged woman driving alone in a Prius (of course) while wearing a mask. ALWF will be the death of our nation. Sorry if that sounds misogynist, well they are misandrists

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Still remembering the June 2020 report of "new" train service between Kiev & Wuhan, moving various freight items that included lab equipment. Remembering the Georgia Guide Stones & celebrating their destruction. Remembering "The Great Reset" agenda to reduce the population.

Where the Rx companies made serious bank from gene therapy shots & NIH executives received royalties from those companies, it begs the question of what investments members of Congress have in the enterprise.

On the bright side, the World Health Assembly could not convince a majority of countries to sign onto a Pandemic Treaty that would forfeit Country's sovereignty over health matters. The W.H.O. was exposed as a tool of unelected bureaucrats at the W.E.F. throughout their handling of Covid.

Accountability? Wondering what jurisdiction could investigate. Under Nuremberg rules, the Hague is now woke & useless (it's where Jack Smith came from to attack DJT). Inspector General's offices are political tools.

Thinking it might require a Military Intelligence investigation under a different administration. Followed by Military Tribunals on each aspect of Covid malfeasance.

My personal outrage was sealed when the Govt banned Ivermectin & Hydrochloroquine - both tried and true effective medicines & good treatments for Covid (all to allow the Emergency Use Authorizations of the gene therapy vaccines because, as they claimed, there were "no effective Covid treatments").

It would seem the Military is the only entity that has the resources & authority to pursue multi-faceted & simultaneous investigations into the crimes against humanity at every conceivable level.

Living in hope.

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The only problem with your solution is that the pandemic response was a military DOD operation. (read Sasha Latypova's stacks), and ObamaBribemn administrations have corrupted and sissified the military especially the upper ranks.

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Agreed that under the current DOD we are doomed. How many of those weirdo generals will be relieved of duty under a DJT administration.

Thinking there will be a major shakeup with the changing of the guard.

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Amen." Wonder if we hang them before they release another pathogen. 🙏😑

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As Tom Paine said there are few striking at the roots and Clandestine is one of them. Good questions, will anyone in the administration or corrupt MSM answer them? No, I guess not.

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I'm sure you can relate to this little ditty that I read on X long ago:

Shot to the arm.

Shot to the head.

Either way

They want you dead.

Nothing will happen to any of them, on either side because they're all in on it.

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I agree so very much with you! As to committees looking the wrong way, consider that viruses may not even exist.


The scamdemic was obviously sleight-of-hand in so many ways. The public was scared silly of a phantom virus, so that it would gladly accept being injected with bioweapons.

My theory is the Wuhan angle has been promoted so hard SO THAT everybody would ignore what was in Ukraine.

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In a word... No. They're not.

No one is going to ask.

They'd - almost- all be out of a job.

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I have also followed this and my guess is that they all need a scapegoat. Enter Fauci. Don't forget that both parties are complicit in funding Ukraine a total sham state. Its a proxy state on the border of Russia. I am pretty sure they all were given the " hands off Ukraine or else" speech before grilling Fauci.

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Hard to know who is the bad guy in the Russian--Ukraine war (no it isn't but to say it out loud gets you labeled a traitor, when the traitors are right here at home.)

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It's obvious, they are all protecting the DoD. We won't get the truth until declass happens.

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