Imagine this. What if they are looking like the bumbling Keystone Cops on purpose? What it they have developed a new strategy? So many of us are awakened right? We overwhelm them and out number them. They know it too. They are not called the "Deep State" for nothing. They were there in the shadows for many years. I think they are going to do one of 3 things.

1. The most obvious of course they will try to steal this on like they already have done numerous time in many elections and 2020 was the culmination of years maybe decades in the planning. All the other elections were tests and the more they got away with it year after year so they went for the big one.

2. They will either try to replace JB or they will let him go down in flames and fade back into the shadows and wait for the time we go back to sleep again and make no mistake about it, most will. They have been playing the long game for a very long time. So, maybe they let Trump take the election and stymie him the same way or other was as they did in his last term.

3. This is the one I think is closer to anything. They cause something to suspend or delay the election with a major world event. A pandemic that actually does kill unlike c19. That was a delivery system test. IMO. But just think about how fast it went around the world. It looked too organized to me. Or they force WWIII upon the world. It sure appears what they want. Either will delay any elections. I have said it before here and that is that I am not convinced there will be an election in November.

So, what do you think?

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Your on it, plenty of thought food there to digest.

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Read Political Moonshine. It's all going according to their plan. The IC and obama are in charge. And there's probably not much any of us can do at this late point.

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Don't lose hope Terri. Eventually God will prevail. We the people will prevail. Because our cause is just. We are all out of balance but that balance will correct itself one way or another.

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Except their plan is known and you can bet countermeasures are in place. Too early to give up; it can get quite a bit worse. The most dangerous period might be between Nov and Jan. God bless you and give you His peace.🙏

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It could be a version of any of the three. But the plan has been known for a long time; the alliance is strong and millions of us are awake to some extent….more every day. We still have our weapons.

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Jun 30·edited Jul 1

4. Crash the fed reserve/markets/banks

5. Scare the f*ck out of proAggressives with a fake bird flew -- lets Finnish this bullsh*t

6. Burn DEWn the cities ala Maui

Let me regroup


I'll think of more

Who knew ??

QArtIntell via

Pres Trump and Digital Warriors

has got this

in the bag.

Oh yeah, almost forgot

7. Illegal Invader insurgents military

(housed courtesy of slush fund hotels, but hey, Ya gotta live somewhere, right?)

8. obama head fake 25th amendment -- these zios nazis are stupid, if not consistent

9. Julian A expose of the cannibal club.

10. And then there are Nuclear Wars -- greece, cyprus, nkorea, pretty much you name it.

Dear President Trump, We are the Storm. I stand with you.

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I can't believe they don't have a plan already to pull out to cover this. Was this preplanned? It sure appears that the rats are scurrying to save themselves now.

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These people are truly evil. They are guided from down below. Maybe they want to appear to be in panic and scurrying about little rats or big one.

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Yes they are evil. Evil desperate people.

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They do….all OPLANs are prepared with a variety of contingencies and countermeasures determined…before the plan is implemented. They plan options for flexibility, too.

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Yes they undoubtably do however after witnessing these last three and a half years of failures to perform I have to refer to Mike Tyson's quote "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth". Flexibility must be the go-to tool in their bag to have survived this long.

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Time will most certainly tell us. Blessings!🙏

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They will cheat. If that fails, 45 will be taken out by assassination. Don't know who the Oswald fall guy will be but the killing bullets will come from behind the fence atop the grassy knoll.

I say this IF there is an election. WWIII is coming to a boil. Europe, the Middle East and Taiwan. Triple play. The U S A is well behind the curve of either preparation or ability. DEI is it's greatest strength but DEI does not cut it downrange.

From the beach....


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They will threaten and attempt this….do NOT believe for a second these plans will be successful. They use the same tactics over and over….plus they are genetically dumbed down the our control and inbreeding.💊

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Be it Deep State or Democrats they are batting a thousand showing their true colors to the American people that are completely incompetent.

America today does not have a sane President which puts all us in harms way.

It is said a President has roughly 7 minutes to decide to launch a nuclear armed missle answering an attack....... Joe does not have that ability and those that say he does are liars.

God help us all.

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"that they are completely incompetent"

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They're getting their legs cut off at every turn. They're done. Having the press turn on Biden - and of course Dr Jill - means its over he's finished. If they were keeping Buyden in, no way would they have let him debate, I still cant believe they did.

I'm not sure what the next move is from either side but I still believe we are just watching the plan play out. Step by glorious step.

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I refuse to panic with the Dems, nor do I plan to panic when the increasingly desperate minions of the cabal begin to use the illegals for whatever they have planned, or they (with their CIA thugs) initiate the plan for a false flag of some magnitude. We don’t know what is going on behind the scenes, but I consider there’s been infiltration in some of these groups and countermeasures planned. I know who wins and His plan is in effect.🙏🇺🇸🙏

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I agree with everything you said. I was thinking today that I actually felt bad for Biden. I think he is being led through this by his wife and Dems who think he can beat Trump with a little help from his friends. I'm not sure how much Biden actually knows and how much he is just regurgitating from his "lessons".

His face says it all. In the debate he looked lost. His eyes are blank and he never really focuses on anything. Jill Biden is our acting president. The last time I heard her speak she sounded like a president. For someone who wanted to be president through his prime years his legacy will be tarnished and remembered as a bumbling old man. And that sucks.

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Sucks to be him OR any of his handlers. I have no pity for him. He’s evil and cannot/has not ever been able to tell the truth.

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Agreed. I guess I'm just projecting how it would affect me. Growing up, My Dad always told me whatever you do, don't embarrass the family. And I knew exactly what that meant. The entire Biden family is an embarrassment. And the mainstream news never questions them. What happened to Walter Cronkite and Huntly-Brinkley? Or where we just being mushrooms back then?

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I understand as I had a similar background. Yes, I’d expect we were mushrooms then, too. Have a great Independence Day!🇺🇸🇺🇸

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The MSM was pathetic the day after the debate. They all acted like they didn't know Joey Brides was well into dementia. They are despicable for keeping what they knew from their brainwashed audiences.

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Clandestine, are you familiar with any of Politcal Moonshine's writings? You might want to become versed in what he has to say ref this topic. The fix is in. Don't be fooled.

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