Disturbing. Also predictable.

France has riots right now because the right wing candidate has kicked Macron's ass in the first round of the snap election that Macron called for.

Color revolution style.

Under Biden, not expecting law enforcement to enforce the law against "mostly peaceful protesters."

Since we will all be on our own, we might all need to be Kyle Rittenhouse. The court did uphold his right to self defense.

Worried about Trump, but then I always am. Not thinking for a minute there has not been assassination plots continually since 2015. There's a reason he is still with us.

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Absolutely on target. Demonic posters on X calling for Biden to have him assassinated. X does nothing. I commented that somebody should stuff a sock in Maxine's mouth and get shut down for threatening.

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They may just do it. Should they attempt to do so, there will be resistance and blood in the streets and the blood will be on their hands.

From the beach....


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My gut feelings concur with your thoughts.

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We stand together, Ross.

Thank you

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Amen, Brother.

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Our foxhole will be well prepared and more than adequately stocked.

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….and ‘they’ wouldn’t care at all. I believe the protection is by patriots and likely a lot more than we’re privy to.. The beach is w lot cooler than here in the SE!!

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Yes. Multitudinous.

NE Brasil beaches are 85 degrees Farenheit daily at present and it is the winter season.


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It is harder now than ever to try and look beyond where we are at and not anticipate worse case scenarios. Problem being is having to deal with evil sick people that continually grow desperate and are willing to seek any means they can to succeed.

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This is rich

Seth Rich (rip)

When Pres Trump gets thru with these

Anti-humans it will be like they



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It will require a mandate by ‘we the people’ in accordance with our constitution!🇺🇸🙏

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That Sock Puppet has no bullets in his pistol. We all know how democrats like to respond to Law & Order, bushwacking their political adversaries is not just a hobby for them, they love doing it. Problem is without an army to do it for him he is just shooting blanks into Trumps back. Or yelling "bang bang I got you, your dead"

We all know you got nothing and we don't want to play anymore...

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You seriously underestimate the insanity and lethality of the rabid dogs of the shadow govt.

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You are absolutely correct. They assassinated a US President in broad daylight in front of thousands, after all.

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They did that to scare people from speaking out against them, I seriously don't think the mossad and the cia are operating with that type of authority, they are weeks away from extiction. I'm not scared of them any more and if more people were like me they couldn't hurt us all...

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Hey you can live in fear of the shadow gov for the rest of your life for all I care. They aren't shadows any more they are ghosts, they can't hurt you...

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Well, we all know these political mobsters are not "democrats" but actually are rehashed and regurgitated Marxists, Leninists, Stalinists, Maoists and globalist/communist flunkies. Meet the new Comrades, same as the old Comrades!

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Such a classic case of projection!!

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