As we all probably do, I have a few liberal friends and family...with all their screaming and whining, I wonder how bad it will be when they find out they are on the wrong side of history. Will they deny when they realize they are agents in giving up our sovereignty to the globalists?

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Awesome rant, young’un! I have not identified as a Republican for quite awhile. I have used their postage paid envelopes to send their stuff back to them in shreds with a letter stating that I support conservative candidates and that if there is a Demoncrap out there that leans “right of moderate” and has a long-standing decent reputation he has a chance of getting my vote. I am a huge Ron Paul fan, too. I so wish he could have gotten the FED audited in his time…THAT would have been biblical!

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Ok, if you are sure. What I have seen and read is different. At the End of 2000 Mules, which we PAID to watch, there was a questions and answers session. During those questions and answers and statements from others who watched it in person, it came out that although the Dems planned all the fraud in the 2020 Election, it was the powerful Republicabs that paid for most of it. Zucker helped too. It has also been mentioned that MASSIVE amounts of money poured in from out of our Country to buy the 2020 Election. Perhaps Lord Malloch-Brown was one of the biggest contributors? Here is a link to an interview about these very wealthy International Elites that can easily afford to "Buy" any Election in any Country that they want to. It's audio, not video. But it's really frightening to see just how our Country is still owned by the British. The names change, and the pretense continues,.....but financially, we are still simply a British Colony. Take a listen and see what you think. I'd like to know your thought about this Lord Malloch-Brown. They are saying he is much more dangerous than George Soros! https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/2018-06-19-Why-citizens-must-demand-paper-ballots-AFI-AIM-Jun-19-2018.mp4?autoplay=1

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