
Why are you ranting; writing down to your readers?

The FBI has shown the World it is a tool for obama- one would have to be cognitively diminished to not see their policing are treasonous to USA.

Space Force has all records of treasonous acts - reduce funding until foreign and domestic traitors are litigated and sentenced (hopefully to death).

Repeat for other gov agencies. End dual citizenship. Defund nato, ccd, universities, blah, blah.

No one expects anarchy, that would be stupid. So why are you pushing this conversation so hard?

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

Clandestine is responding to the demands from a great many conservatives to "burn it all down" and start over or to "burn it all down permanently because we don't need all these departments and agencies" and "the Constitution never authorized or called for them."

Technically the point about the Constitution is mostly valid in that the founding document did not list the various departments and agencies that have added to the federal bureaucracy over time. Personally, IDK of the FBI or DOJ *ever* functioned completely ethically and honestly and in the manner that they have consistently insisted that they do.

And the EPA has far outgrown its original stated objectives. There are several departments that I see no benefit from having and paying for, such as Education, Urban development (those two are state responsibilities) and others.

But I agree with Clandestine that we do need some LEA and Some LEOs at the federal level. The DOJ and FBI would be perfect if they stick to their original purposes and are held publicly accountable for EVERYTHING they do, and they are forced to treat everyone - from a high-level DC politician or agency/department Director down to a homeless man - with equal deference to Constitutional rights.

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Ahh, Thank you

Big Guy.

I did not know conservatives were on the same CCP 'burn it all down and ban the library books while you're at it' page.

Clans post makes more sense now.

My apologies Clandestine.

What a pickle - Conservos pots calling the kettle black.

Short sighted, but seems a lot of adhd nowadays.

I must be getting old ... nah, I'm only getting started.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

IDK that conservatives are doing anything similar to Lefties. Lefties want MORE government authoritarianism against conservatives from these agencies; conservatives want the agencies to disappear. Those are opposing goals. The old phrase that best applies to the extreme conservative views is - don't throw the baby out with the (dirty) bathwater... in this case we might even say - don't throw the baby out with the water and the entire bathtub..! 😁

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The FBI has been a tool for pretty much every occupant of the White House, going back to J Edgar. But you're right that there are some solutions, a few of which you offer. But who will we get to construct and put into effect such policies?

Implosion is the only solution IMO. Voting does nothing.

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Hello Richard, and,

Happy NY.

The bond market Implosion is inevitable, which will bring down the communist/black brotherhood regime quickly. Collapse will resemble Soviet Union - Fed workers walk off their jobs when they don' get paid, much like Soviet Union collapse, when uni professors where selling their text books on street corners.

What to do, what to Do?

Clandestine's point of throwing out buildings with the bathwater is valid, but who sets the policy of a failed regime?

Usually, the Victor sets the Policy. Is the Victorious a traitor to US, or a Constitutionalist?

Don't know Joe.

The military hierarchy (medical, state, city, county, special districts, et), where the top dogs set the tenor - corrupt leadership trickles down .

Do I trust whomever will pick up the pieces and set the policy AFTER the implosion?

No f*cking way, not I

said the spider to the fly.

What do you suggest?

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The agencies need to be cleaned out top to bottom, not just the top. They won't be trusted if only leadership is fired/prosecuted. The agents who carried out the illegal requests of the leadership are guilty off breaking the law. Get it?

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Many federal agencies need to be eliminated. Education, EPA, Homeland Security, Energy , ATF and Commerce would be a good start.

The southern and northern border need to be made impenetrable with our military. Cartels must be identified as terrorist organizations.

Digital currency must cease.

2024 will be tumultuous. Could include an assassination attempt on 45. Surprised it has not already happened.

Firing a federal employee is not an easy task. Remember the Brasilian national who became a member of the Capitol Police who murdered Ashley Babbitt?

He received an award for meritorious service and appeared on NBSnooze with Lester Holt!

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I’m sure there have been multiple attempts on PDT’s life. We just don’t hear about them. Part of secret service sop.

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I agree with you.

Thank you for yiur response.

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Gener, Nice list :-)

A strong fierce leader rewrites "firing fed worker" procedures to "serving at will".

SaW employees can be Fired at Anytime, no legal loopholes.

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The Government that Governs Least, Governs Best. I do vastly prefer the Libertarian mindset of Smaller (much Smaller) Government. I do agree with you about a cleansing that is needed, but we all know there are all sorts of Agencies or even Functions that are Unnecessary and could be eliminated or extremely Downsized. (EPA, BATF, FDA, USDA.....etc ) We certainly do offer Grants and funding to highly suspect Academia research, which could much better be left to Private interests. If is it truly worthy of Investigating, Money can be Raised for it.

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Excellent explanation of what is required to ensure justice for the corrupt and maintain what is required for governance at the federal level.

Thank you and God bless you.🙏🇺🇸

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I'm sure there's a lot of good polygraph technicians around who'd be willing to help weed out any potential applicants for any & all positions. Imagine the magnitude, the entire world must proceed exactly as you mentioned, it's one enormous task. The folks wanting this one & done is entirely niaeve and possibly ignorant of ALL the CORRUPT GOVERNMENT AGENCIES in this world. Bring on the 24/7 showing these crimes, only then these dear folks will patiently wait the 15-20 years this weeding will take 👍

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Good common sense article intended for the people he speaks of. 🇺🇸

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Perhaps, we should start by asking ourselves what is the ideal society we the people wish to work towards. You must know where you want to go before you start a quest, otherwise you could end up anywhere. I believe one of the tenants of the ideal society (likely the greatest tenant) is one where governing the people is unnecessary. A society that doesn't need to controlled by rules in order to function properly; this is a truly moral objective and genuine freedom. Obviously, this is currently unattainable, however, that does not suggest we should not always make decisions moving ourselves in the direction of our ultimate goal. Achieving a morally just objective is the only legitimate reason to govern.

1. Decide what your goal is

2. Ensure your goal is moral

3. Take only actions that move in the direction of your goal

4. Remember to ask yourself if your choices are moving towards your goal: not your immediate desires but your ultimate goal

but who am I to choose goals for others?

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The Kingdom of Heaven is my answer ✨️ ❤️

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