Nancy really needs to avoid these interviews after teatime.

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12

"...after tea time."


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Feels like another psyop to me....🍿

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Setting pedo joe

up for the Kill Shot,


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Yeah, I thought of that, too. Imagine the turmoil that would cause! Not to mention that that would necessitate a funeral...which would take even more time away from their campaigning. Probably cancel any debates scheduled with Trump, too.

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But, the sympathy for old Joe!!!!

It would be a Hollywood production. Kamala will give a heart-warming speech about what a brilliant leader he was ……

It would go on for a week while the msm would wax eloquently about presidential history ….. blah blah …

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Yeah, that's why we can't have that scenario. Let's not forget that the original was a first rate criminal who committed treason against this country. Not once but multiple times. And that he got a military funeral on the day of the "inauguration" of the present actor. (Which is how we know the original was executed.)

So when he does crash the DNC, he might be cognitively more lucid and the military can come in and escort him out the building....i.e. arrest him. Then in due course...maybe another month or two...we can start watching the videos of his military tribunal trial. This information MUST come out for justice to be served.

And the guy (or guys) who's been playing Biden all this time needs a very special award for acting!!

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I believe you are right Aileen.

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The question at that point is WHO would he be debating?

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Overdose would be easy.

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So Sy Hersh was right about the coup with Kamala, Obama, Schumer to force Joe out or 25th Amendment him. I read his account and I saw the interview with Nancy, which was slightly "off".

Kamala has had Walz on board for barely a week and he is turning out to be the proverbial gift that keeps on giving. Kamala isn't much better. She is not going to survive without holding some press conferences. When that happens, Joe may sound better than she. But Joe puts down ballots in danger.

I was thinking that Obama et.al. would stage another coup to replace Walz at the convention. But Joe is too risky given the disastrous performance at the debate. And we srill don't know what the emergency was in Vegas two weeks ago. The audio tapes told very little.

I honestly don't know the answer. They can't get rid of Kamala. Joe is too risky. Shapiro doesn't play with the Israel/Hamas mess. Are we back to Buttageg? Because I can't believe they'd take a chance on Newsome.

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Imagine the fireworks we will see if you are right. I doubt they will let him back in and more than likely do whatever it takes to silence him. I think he may about to find out what it means to go against them. Yeah I said them.

We know they are out there plotting all of our demise.

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My question is when will the rats start ratting each other out?

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I am not sure but it is possible that might be underway. With so much lawlessness all is connected and has to have attracted someone's attention.

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It's all about survival when there's no way out and for some of these criminals it will become all about doing anything to save themselves. Time to turn the heat up.

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We need to remember that this whole show has been scripted. Until "Joe" stepped down, the Left's rallying call was Trump would be a dictator. But with the Dems forcing "Joe" to be replaced with Kakletoe, hence disenfranchising over 3 million who voted for "Joe," they took a page out of the playbook of every dictator in the world. Hence, THEY'VE become the dictators Which I've had the pleasure of pointing out to various Radical Left folks. Shuts them up pretty good!

So having "Joe" reinstate his position as the Dem candidate would at least allow them to play the "dictator" card with Trump. Question then would be who would be his VP? Depends on how desperate they are.

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It would have to be Kamala. Oh heck, they've broken so many rules at this point what does it matter? The really sad part is the dumb democrats who just nod worshipfully and dutifully follow along.

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Yeah, that IS the sad part. And it's for real! I just wonder how utterly BAD do things have to get for them to wake up. I tried with one, telling her that everything the MSM promotes is designed to destroy us. But no use. They just block anyone who questions their logic.

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There is zero chance Biden is back in the race. We’ll be discussing his obituary in a couple of years max.

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I say he’s dead in less than a year.

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Keep your powder dry boys and girls.

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Anybody notice that today's Nancy isn't the original, either? Plus Cameltoe's not the original, either. And all her rallies are CGIs. Even a photo of the bottom of her plane reflecting the tarmac, not the CGI crowd that was CGId to be present.

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Switching out candidates 101 made easy for dummies.

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The one thing that we don't have to assume is that either Nancy or Joe has the least bit of control in the way things are playing out before the public. This DNC is the first in eight years and there is no doubt that it's being slapped together at a moments notice. Not like them at all to offer their top position to be chosen by that blue no matter who voting base. Certainly not a typical democrat move to have it all up in the air. There is a slimy pos chosen to replace their second and third options should things not work out. Not anymore and not ever again,. This is the final act and they have nothing to challenge our guy, DJT the last President...

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