This is good positive news .Lets hope it manifests .I am so tired of the bull$hit deepstate ,always wars for selling armaments ,plandemic for selling poisons ,hypocritical media all owned by the deepstate telling us lies 24/7, and now a zeo war against literally helpless people in Palestine. For those of you that are still spiritual beings ,check out this site with Archbishop Vigano ,just out 3 days ago.He does not mince words .You don't have to be Catholic to agree with this man .He knows the church politics.
`The Satanic Deep State will not go quietly into the good night. Their cover is collapsing on all fronts.
They have NO reverse gear.
I have long thought that the C19 virus, if it actually exists, was created in one of the 20+ US labs in Ukraine
I think it created in Ft. Detrick.
This is good positive news .Lets hope it manifests .I am so tired of the bull$hit deepstate ,always wars for selling armaments ,plandemic for selling poisons ,hypocritical media all owned by the deepstate telling us lies 24/7, and now a zeo war against literally helpless people in Palestine. For those of you that are still spiritual beings ,check out this site with Archbishop Vigano ,just out 3 days ago.He does not mince words .You don't have to be Catholic to agree with this man .He knows the church politics.
Thank you for the link to that article. Further indication that "The Great Awakening" is happening on ALL fronts. Excellent!
That would be poetic justice.
That is exactly what needs to happen! I pray for President Trump everyday and ask God to protect him from these evil people.
We have been praying for this for years and it seems to be coming to fruition.
This would be glorious.
HELL YEAH!!!! Let's get this extinction level event started then!!!!!
Putin knows America better than most Americans