Agree completely with everything that you said except that we are NOT Constitutionally a Democracy. We are a Republic. There is a huge difference. https://youtu.be/ewJyuXSW5nA

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Some platforms will collapse under own WEIGHT of illegal activities.

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Superb article keep the truth coming...these fascist MUST PAY if they don’t then nothing will change. The FED is also to blame they don’t work for we, the citizens the true owners of our republic they work for the lords of money...godless pukes.They MUST pay. Start with the vote

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WE as a People need to start pushing back on this. Lets begin on all forms of social media you are on and call them out for what they truly are. Not liberals. Not progressive. Not even democrats. They are as Clandestine says nothing but textbook fascists and we have been letting them get away with calling us that for way too long! Use your skills to pass this info out. We are in a digital war!! Fight back to win.

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Only a small percentage of Americans can say they weren't aware of the censorship and suppression online. That group is always made of older people that are much less tech savoy than the generations that follow. Well even the grandparents knew about and experienced the creepy presence of censorship everywhere in our lives. It was and still is actively manipulating the public perception. Military intervention has begun and very likely has the situation 80-90% done already. What makes me think that is the case? We seen the movies, we watched it happen on camera, on election night, we have loads of evidence from True the Vote. We know the enemy is organized, coordinated, and well funded, with many plants in the Judicial Branch, Private orgs, and backed by an army of lawyers. So wtf are we doing walking into this corrupt system with no safeguards, no protection, and no experienced heavy hitters leading the way? I know this operation wouldn't expect us to trust a plan this feeble and pathetic, stakes are too high. We are watching a show, we are at the precipice, fighting mad and unified against the enemy. All on schedule before the 2022 elections. No major conflicts, no civil war, no coincidence. We are being handed the stick and positioned in front of a worked over pinata ready to burst. Time to swing back, and push forward, fight relentlessly without fear this is our country and we choose it's course for future generations....

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Defund the FBI. Send all agents to the Southern border. The last lawyer hired with the top job. The top 100 people give walking papers. No pension. Never to be hired by the government. Passports revoked. The next hundred people transferred to sanitation, and floor. There is no reason to reward seditious behavior.

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Happy Hell Week Facists! Welcome to your nightmare of assets seized, ham(mer) headed vigilantes around every corner, and gitmo traitors (one can hope).

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I am not forgiving or giving amnesty to any DNC PARTICIPANT IN THESE AND ANY OTHER CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. They purposely hurt Trump and the republic. I wonder if even Newsom of CA with be replaced

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As long as the voting machines are in place Newsom is in to stay. Trump won California by a gigantic landslide in 2020. Biden was selected, not elected. The same for Newsom in the recall. We have proof. We are in court. By we I am talking about the New California State. The soon to be 51st State.

www.newcaliforniastate.com Look us up. We are Constitutional. Based on Article 3 Sections 3 & 4 of the Constitution. California is a State in Default. Constitutionally & Financially.

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Good to hear. I was told Trump won ca and Newsom did not. But you are the first to give me details. Thank you

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My pleasure. The numbers of the 2020 election would explode your head. It’s almost unbelievable. I don’t have numbers on the recall, I have just been told by those in the know that it was another cheat.

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Thank you

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Can we beat the cheat? It will take a miracle. And some folks to stand up for right....just not sure.

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Nothing we did not know already... nice to have it confirmed though

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I had convinced myself that the “military intervention” was related to Russia and the UNSC .... my head just exploded....again. So yeah it’s a scientific fact that one’s head can explode multiple times. I’m living proof. 🤣

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Interesting...I hadn't looked at Elon Musk in this light before.

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