Good analysis. I live in NH and am a Election Ballot Clerk in a small (2500) town. We had the largest turnout

ever for a Primary. Going into this Primary, the number of "undeclared" registered voters increased by about 20% over previous years. Chalk that up to the explicit (and sometimes incorrect) "guidance" from State Dem Party to all Democrat & Undeclared voters. The increase in Undeclared was close to the decrease in registered Democrats. Then, our Governor kindly extended the time to change party affiliation from June to October. I won't bore you with the cutesy direction we got yesterday a.m. to carefully "advise" those taking a Democrat ballot to make sure they fill in the oval next to the write-in line.

End of day, we still had about half our Dem ballots still in the box. We were running low on Republican ballots. Several larger cities and towns in the Southern tier ran out of Republican ballots which the State rectified.

Despite all efforts to defeat Trump at the polls, he was declared the winner within 5 minutes of polls closing with 54% of the vote. I still can't believe Joe got 50,000 chumps to write his name in.

South Carolina should be interesting.

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Thank you for taking the time to share this. Real life. Thank you for serving the American people. God bless you. Small but MIGHTY!!

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You are 100% correct. They are testing to see how much they have to cheat with their crooked shenanigans and it really does look bad for them based on recent results.

Never doubt though, they’ll use the nuclear option if they have too...which is JFK him.

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The JFK route is being held in reserve if nothing else works. Read Political Moonshine's website about his analysis of this election.

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Indeed, which is why I called it the nuclear option.

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Thx for your reporting and,

God Bless President Trump and Crew.

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Trump was winning in a landslide in 2020 until the CIA stopped the counting to up the algorithm from 3% to 13% and signaled Dem operatives in BG cities to start scanning fake mail-in ballots specially prepared for this possibility. These mail-in ballots were missing the QR bar code that made the ballots unique which made it possible for them to be scanned & counted multiple times. In Atlanta it was 3-4 times. In Philadelphia & Detroit it was 9-10 times each. This is why there were 700,000 more mail-in ballots counted in PA than were actually mailed out!

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These scum I want arrested for treason.

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The IC will NEVER allow Trump to get into the White House again. And when I say they'll do anything, they mean ANYTHING.

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Hard to beat the cheat. God have mercy. Praying for a revival to love truth.

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Thank you for your words and analysis as always!

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Makes sense. Appreciate direct communication of the facts. President Trump has been an is the right choice in 2024. He won 2020. Deserves his therd term.

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I opine it will be a cancelled election. False flag emergency. Either pandemic or war or both.

Shit happens from powerful incompetence.

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If you read Political Moonshine, who is a genius at geopolitics, US politics, and the covid situation, he posits that the IC will NEVER allow Trump to gain the White House. Check his website out. What he writes about this year's election will give you the heebies.

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The intelligence community came out and announced in November 2016 that they wouldn’t allow Trump to win that way in 2020…they overtly and publicly announced the control over social media that they planned to use.

The real reason Parler was taken down was they allowed unfettered access to Hunter’s laptop and all its crimes and it couldn’t be allowed to hurt their desired Biden pick.

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