I predict that, like every other time Trump's adversaries have attempted to ambush him (which clearly happened with this debate), his base will grow stronger and expand even more. So this will be a net gain for Trump...again!

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I definitely don't think it changed anybody's mind. Haters are gonna hate no matter what. We shall see what happens. I still think there is more to come with the recent arrest of the President & CEO of SmartMatic 🍿

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What offfense is the Smartmatic CEO charged with?

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post debate, Trump reported that the polling numbers were highly favorable to him.

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I agree he did have some great moments. I really don't know if I agree that he won.. I would call it a draw.. I would have preferred Trump not allow his anger to take some of the stage. Felt like he was always on the defensive because of the way this whole debate was set up. He was constantly attacked and you could see he was not happy about it. Harris was more poised than she has ever been and it did look like she knew the questions well.. She said a lot but did you hear any substance? All she kept saying was I have a plan for that. Then used a bunch of nothing words to explain her so called plan. She said things most of the sheep want to hear..

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Interesting take.... I didn't see an anger from him, not really. He kind of grimaced at times, but basically kept a poker face, and never looked at Kamala (though much of the time she spoke directly to him, facing him). He didn't become bellicose. Trump was himself, not some over-rehearsed puppet. And clearly he chose to not engage as a brawler. I believe, because of his more "tepid" (someone else's description, so be it) reactions, the usual Gen Z and independents' complaints about him being overbearing and rude were non-existent, and, therefore, from Gen Z's I know, they actually were able to listen to him. Unburdened by the past!! hahahahaha!!! Though I am serious here. He's been reaching out and getting through finally to Gen Z, and last night was big for that. I have been getting communiques from some previously anti-trump Z's stating they think he won the debate. They saw him answer the questions, far more than his adversary. I think his debate performance worked far better, in terms of reaching minds and hearts, than we realize.

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