Not only this, but he talked out other cures and was severely criticized for that. Plus, he also always said it was a choice and he even mentioned multiple times that it was "probably released too soon". Common sense should've told people to stay away from it, but the brainwashing was/is very strong. The CovidBC channel on telegram is nothing but Facebook posts of people proud of being jabbed and then dying suddenly a few years later. It's insane. It truly is The Great Culling.

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Most people on this planet don’t even make an attempt to think for themselves. They just mindlessly believe whatever people in “authority” tell them.

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So easy to judge when you are not the one faced with trying to tell the truth to a totally misinformed and indoctrinated people. It took courage to do what he did do and even that hurt him and made him subject to criticism from both sides. I was unhappy with some of the things he went along with, but always kept in mind that there were reasons for it, and he had to walk a thread thin line if he was ever going to make a real difference. I see him becoming more and more willing to take the gloves off and tell it like it is as the truth is becoming more widely known. He deserves another chance in my view and I pray he gets it.

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Jun 9·edited Jun 9

Waiting on President Trump

to, within the law, charge fauci with:

- election interference

- sedition

- mass murder

It wasn't an easy time, but, I remain

a tough old broad.

God Bless you President Trump,


If you don't have the authority to make the above charges,

Request Congress get off their fat asses and earn their keep.

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Oh no, you must not be a nice person ( /s ). In his interview, Dr. Phil asked Pres. Trump to not prosecute anyone but let bygones be bygones. Dr. Phil wants him to forgive and forget (so that they can continue coming at PDJT in a never-ending assault).

Personally, I agree with your wish for swift and harsh penalties (incl. capital punishment) for all the guilty liars who deliberately misled the President, and who organized, facilitated, and coordinated the entire 2020 Plandemic, the lethal covid patient handling procedures stipulated by the CDC and AMA, massive election fraud that was enabled by the fraudulent Plandemic, and lethal vaxx-fraud campaign that began destroying participants' lives starting in 2021 and hasn't yet stopped.

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I thought at the time, and I still believe it today, if anyone but Trump would have been president, the whole Covid fiasco would have been ten times worse than what it was. Who else could have gotten two hospital ships up, running, and deployed in such a short timeframe? Noone. Who else could have gotten so many respirators built that we were sending them to other countries? Noone. Here in Columbus Ohio, a temporary hospital was setup in days. (It was amazing!) Again, thank you President Trump! And he got no recognition for making all that happen. It was just glossed over. It was an incredible feat. If Geriatric Joe would have been president, he would have claimed he created a vaccine to cure yellow fever when they were building the Panama Canal. I don't understand why voting for Trump even being questioned?

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Thank you Clandestine, for clarifying the fascist Deep State-manipulated circumstances that President Trump faced in 2020. Hardly anyone whom I have red or heard on a video show who criticizes his handling of the covid crisis exhibits a full knowledge and understanding of the fabricated traps and fraudulent reporting through which he had to maneuver, and especially the fact that 90% of Republicans (his own party) in the Legislative and Executive branches were (and still are) thoroughly corrupt and unwilling to expose the fraud because they were eager to see him fail.

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Trump did as well as anyone would in that circumstance- however, he needs to come out now about the problems with the vaccine. He even needs to 'mea culpa" a bit about Warp Speed being a problem with limited testing of the shots.

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Close minded.

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I agree 100%. Even doctors we worked with had no clue. 99% of them took the vaccine.

Trump making a decision on COVID or vaccines would be like me deciding how to build a sky scraper, an emergency sky scraper.

I’m so tired of people making up reasons to blame Trump for everything under the sun. If they can’t think of a reason they talk about his crudeness or sex history.

He hasn’t started a war. He’s not a pedophile. He doesn’t crap in his pants.

No one else can be trusted to restore this broken country.

God bless Donald Trump ✝️

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Its taken almost 4 years to get anywhere near any kind of public exposure... and we are still way way off any trials or "retribution".

Nothing more he could have done.

But we wait. And it will come. And those complicit will pay.

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When people close their minds to new information, or refuse to pay attention to the whole picture……everyone loses.

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Thank you Clandestine for your frank discussion of this really difficult and divisive issue. We've just covered the election choices too and shared your post as a related discussion.


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💯 Thank you for the reminder. They will be hung by their feet one day an cained like a pinata. They will be sorry for releasing a pathogen on the world to steal a US Presidential election.

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What Trump lacks is principle. He is great with lip service, but his actions fall short of his words. Backed down on his claim to get us out of Syria, probably because Bibi told him too. Did not pardon Assange or Snowden while he had the chance.

Played along with the CARES Act when he could have vetoed it.

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I agree with this assessment. Then only thing I take issue with Trump is about his constant rhetoric about Warp Speed and the bioweapon shots up until he finally backed off late last year.

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Many people unfortunately expect government to come and save them. This is why they fault Trump for his response. He didn’t live up to their delusional standard (the government is gonna keep us from dying 🙄).

Once he failed to adhere to their unrealistic expectations, they lashed out at him.

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I opine 45 should have followed the advice of Scott Atlas, MD. Scott say in on the Pence chaired Task Force meetings. Scott dealt directly with the cabal . Pence, Fauci, Brix and Redfield. Scott saw through the fog they created. Kushner was concerned about media response. Scott went home.

From the beach....


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