" if Trump would admit his mistakes from his first term, particularly his defense of the vaccines" - WOW!!!!

Mistakes??? How could he possibly admit what 99.9% would have happened if he HADN'T pushed through the "vaxine" when he did. He's trying to tell us without telling us as he always does. I don't see why he must "admit" any "mistakes" to get a vote from anyone let alone Libertarians. Got to disagree on this one. Trump to "learn from his mistakes" is so incredibly condescending when you look at the complete shit show of the last 3 and 1/2 years.... and so disappointing to read. Dupe???? He's anything but a dupe. What will these Libertarians do? Vote for Buyden and his treason? Let them. it will be their bed to lie in.

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My belief has been for these last three years plus is based on the thought of being surrounded by a pack of wolves and being able to extract oneself to return to the fight on one's own terms. I have to say that is exactly what he has done, and I continue to pray that he may continue to do so as well as others see and learn how to navigate in this sea of insanity.

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Simple. Point out that RFK Jr is a Massachusetts left wing liberal. Biden is so autocratic that they won’t go for Biden making Trump the only option.

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RFK is doing that very well on his own!

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Tell the attendees he believed the Pence, Fauci, Brix, Refield cabal of misinformation. Remind the audience how he got blindsided when he mentioned the early treatment protocols of ivermectin and hydrocortisone.

It was not until Dr. Scott Atlas told me what was going on at the meetings chaired by Pence that I realized I was lied to by the deep state. I am sorry.

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And yes, Trump MUST stop bragging about Operation Warp Speed. It makes him look like the dupe that he was.

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He does need to come clean on that topic, but he might not be able to while in Campaign mode. I do pretty much agree that is a mistake, but I also feel there is something more going on here and it could have been more Art of War strategy to promote the vax's the way he has. He clearly looked at anti viral's like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as tantamount to Vaccines back in 2020 - and they surely would fit with the updated vax definition that happened in Sept 2021. I just think it is a big assumption to make that it is only a Mistake - could be, or could be designed to keep your Friends Close and your Enemies Closer fight Strategy. Well, that is my 2 cents, and I do think we learn more at a later date.

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President Trump moved

Faster than the Speed of Light

aka Lucifer for Satanists.

Warp-speed is a speculative concept in science fiction that allows for faster-than-light travel through the manipulation of space-time.

He boxed up the Illuminati with Op Warp Speed.

Some Humans were duped, forced, lied to, ridiculed to inject an unknown untested serum into their veins. May God have Mercy on their souls as they chose to accept the bioweapon.

As for me, loved ones and neighbors have stroked, cancered and died.

Going to my 3rd Memorial this month.

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Correction to my previous.

Hydroxychloquine not hydrocortisone.

My apology. Spell check is not my friend.

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I am at the more anarchic end of the libertarian side of the political spectrum, and there are aspects of the Donald that I don't like, but he is closer than most of the authoritarians with an actual shot at winning so I tend to reluctantly support him. I suspect at heart he is a decent human being which is more than you can say for almost anyone in his position. Any move in the right direction in today's world is an advantage, heck I'd rather have Mr. Putin than Mr. Biden and for much the same reasons as my tepid support for Mr. Trump. I agree that if he can show he has learned from his past mistakes it would really help. I am closely watching who he is promoting for posts as VP and cabinet etc.

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I agree, and the only think he has to loose is Big Pharma

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Bibi Trump and Bibi DeSantis. I cannot vote for either, even though I'm registered Libertarian.

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Thanks for the update fren."

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I'm a libertarian and I'm voting for Trump again in 2024.

There are enough Constitutional Conservatives and MAGA's and people of common sense to carry Trump to victory in 2024 -- Just look at the polls!

To withhold a vote from Trump in 2024 is to aid and abet the most totalitarian power grab that has ever been attempted in these United States simply because the only person who can save us is not perfect.

Don't allow the 'perfect' become the enemy of the 'good'!

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Did you ever see the Happy Days episode where they tried to get the Fonz to admit he was wrong? Same scene. This time with some feeling. And action!

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Interesting that the Libertarians must not be awakened to the fact that the ‘so-called mistake’ very likely wasn’t…..but a calculated move on the 5D chess board…..final purpose to be revealed. We should focus on the awakening and let the libertarian chips fall where they may. I’m more Libertarian than anything, but spend a significant amount of time researching, encouraging and educating the people around me.

Thank you, Clandestine! God bless you!🙏

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