The Biden family including the now wife, Jill, the former babysitter to FJB'S children, is a criminal cartel expert at money laundering for political favors. Treason is the most suitable description of the FJB enterprise.

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Did Hunter commit perjury under oath ? That would ,should be the kicker .

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Committing perjury is a hallmark of federal bureaucrats and elected officials.

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Call me old fashioned but it takes a lot more than putting on a suit and reading a prepared statement to get any sympathy from me. It was the video of hunter getting a foot job from his 15 year old neice that took it away. Yes, the same neice that got pregnant soon after. The CCP is holding on to that gem, the fact that everybody hasn't seen it is proof that the biden's are in Chinas pocket. The corporate press-titutes are trying so hard to frame a narrative that maybe 5% of americans believe. What a great setup for the MOAB's to be dropped. I got my popcorn ready to watch the bidens and the MSM get taken off the board. This weekend would be perfect please and ThanQ in advance...

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Of course he is; this year is going to be very interesting!🧐

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And the NYT lied and cut his speech 🎤


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Hunter as an addict is a habitual and good liar. Further...being a Biden...

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