I don’t really give a rats ass who Q is. Our government has been off kilter longer than I care to think back and If you allowed yourself to open up your mind when Q first started dropping posts you would have been able to follow along and see the intel that was provided to us was leading us to answers. Nothing that was dropped was made up. The information given allowed you to research for yourself and find your own answers and sadly, it led us to the horrifying truth. Yeah, the actual truth, with opened source info. They can put any label they want on it to TRY and discredit it, but for me it will never fly. #WWG1WGA TRUMP is our President and there are alot of treasonous people in our government and we bloody well fix it ASAP.

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Don’t expect them to think or use logical reasoning. You’ll be majorly disappointed.

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And what about the Q proofs? They are just mind boggling. No one who has read "the poem" thinks that Q is fake. 100% it's produced by military intelligence and it evinces a link between clandestine military operations and the oval office under Trump. It seems as though the white hats want us to understand the Biden admin is fake. They're trying to make it obvious. I am to the place where I think the actions that congress and the Supreme Court take at this point have no bearing because of the non-starter status of the USA corporation. I approach the USA corporation as the enemy of the states and the people of those states. I've read Unrestricted Warfare and this whole scenario makes sense in terms of hyper-modern warfare. Or 4th gen. The question becomes, if it's a war, who is the enemy? That question now is answerable: The Banking Cabal and the states that it controls; including the five-eyes (USA, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), Israel, North Korea (CIA owned and operated), the CCP (not China as a whole), and the EU. It's more complex than that because the banking cabal does not 100% control those states. As the petrol dollar tanks, the banking cabal is losing its grip on all these states.

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They definitely used a Psyop on the sheeple during their Fake Plandemic. One I think they've used on many different occasions, we just didn't realize it. So much of what we think we know......we don't! We only know what they 'feed' us on the news. If nothing else has come out of these 2 miserable horrific years,.....it has really opened many eyes to just what the hell is going on!? And we are screaming HELL NO YOU WON'T take our Country/Planet!

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The left is constantly changing the definition/meaning of words. They can’t even tell what a woman is. Thinking is not their strong suit. I hope they wake up and soon. No one is immune to the evil in this world and they will be next, but they clearly don’t know history either.

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Caught them in their own catch-22. Checkmate!

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Excellent again BioClandestine. Breaking out of Plato's cave allegory has do be done BY THE PEOPLE. Not the controllers of information.

I watched Trump's recent talks including today's and noticed he's mentioned "Raisin Cain" in every one. Hit them on the left, hit them on the right, hit them up the middle ....

I think that is finally happening to the Deep State. We have examples here in the US with the People standing up for Election Integrity, Boarder Security, etc., etc. But the Deep State is World Wide, and I think this interview is extremely pertinent to define and expose who the real ENEMY is behind both Domestic and Global conflict.


The Machine is EVIL and it's world wide.

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Fantastic article! 😁 Thank you. Your writing flows perfectly.

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If Q is the false definition of a PSYOP, why disclose state secrets and the crimes of the deep state. Why not just keep everyone asleep and roll out your communist agenda? This war is for the narrative and the MSM has owned this space for decade -- how do you break this grip? The intel drops allowed for certain intel to reach a percentage of the people - it was never about winning over the herds. It was about getting critical talking points out and creating a counter narrative to challenge the dominate view and the genius about it was the drops were wrapped in “plausible deniability” so they couldn’t go after Trump for it, Staizen effect, and because the MSM avoid and omit the truth about it all, it’s shows the media are complicit, so in the long run they implode. Infowar! Irregular war. At the same time it gave hope and breathed life back into the truth movement, all while planting seeds within the minds of the next level of sleeping normies, who are most likely awake by these initial red pills and since going through COVID -- waking up is a process! Q drops played a major role at circumventing the MSM and placing a big bright spot light on the deep state network and agenda, which stole the narrative back from the globalist media. Genius! Pure, genius! Military grade precision.

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This is quite true, and really does demonstrate how utterly shallow such a large proportion of the self-professedly 'thinking' population are. Rather than 'thinking', I have concluded that they are almost always the black pilled; cynical and fearful. I have come across this argument so many times from so-called free-thinking radicals. By 2018 I gave up arguing with them and just stated 'whether Q is 'real' or not is utterly irrelevant to me, the effects are obvious, and I welcome them. The same applies to the constant attack on DJT - they could have taken him out personally back in 2017 I believe, and the pedovor globalist cabal and their entire system is still utterly doomed. It's much better still having DJT around though, he is a genuine force of nature and has likely accelerated their demise like nobody else could have.

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I have always thought Q was a PSYOP. I stumbled onto in Nov. 1 2017 and read every post. I always questioned who was behind it and considered all options. I read research that resulted from it. There was a lot of crap and then some very interesting things. Just reading the executive orders, declassified documents, court filings...etc. Lots of solid info amongst a lot of trolling and BS. The process taught me discernment. ( I am constantly working on that). Its been 5 years of watching, observing outcomes and identifying patterns. If information is spoon-fed, it is not ever really internalized. What is internalized is when you find out for yourself. Are we being manipulated? Most definitely, yes. But BS manipulation has an expiration date. The truth does not. Time will tell. In the meantime I will do my utter best to use my God given mind and spirit to discern the truth. I wish all the best in doing the same.

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Excellent piece as ever Clandestine.

This world needs more logical thinkers. The brain washed everywhere must read your work.

Thanks for all your efforts x

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Most of us WANT to believe that Q is real. However, we are also rational. In war, there are ALWAYS spies, double-agents and saboteurs. ALWAYS! Any voice who claims this is not the case, should be treated with extreme suspicion.

It is rational to assume that the bad guys have tried to infiltrate us just like we have infiltrated them.

It is rational to assume that demons who rule our world are somewhat skilled at playing this game and we should not underestimate them.

So how do we detect the traitors in our midst?

God and evil are 100% genetic in origin. The brain physiology of a person with conscience is completely different than the brain physiology of a person without conscience. (although there are several of the latter: narcissism is completely different than psychopathy for example.) The blueprint for how our brain physiology is to be constructed is IN OUR GENES. A simple genetic test would catch ALL saboteurs in our midst. ALL of them. This would significantly increase the probability of WINNING. Why would we NOT do this? This is INSANE.

The same is NOT true of the enemy. Evil people can be bribed or blackmailed to turn on each other. Good people can not. It’s WHY civilization triumphed over barbarism. Our morality is our strongest competitive advantage. The enemy's immorality is their greatest weakness.

In the name of God, WHY would we NOT seek to leverage our advantage over their weakness if doing so would increase the probability of triumphing over evil?

Make a genetic test for evil widely available. There is no need to hide this technology. Not only will we win this particular war against evil, but evil will be defeated FOREVER. Why would we NOT do this?

IMHO, people who argue against this should be treated with great suspicion.

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I have as closely as possible, followed the prophesies, events and revelations coming to fruition over the last several years. I choose through faith, to see everything through the biblical lens. After 70 yrs, I've learned to trust God's Word in all things. My question is this; Although it's obvious that we're watching Revelation unfold before our eyes, how does the rapture and 7 year tribulation fit into all this?

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Thank You Clandestine 🙏

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Jul 24, 2022·edited Jul 24, 2022

Great article, Clandestine - your mind never stops working.

A short YouTube video put out by the Army's 4th PSYOP Group: https://youtu.be/VA4e0NqyYMw

More videos from the 8th PSYOP Group: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl799P1fwD26ODl6d3vEugA/videos

God Bless!

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