I don't know. Biden has never taken hardball questions. He spent the whole 2020 campaign hiding out for the most part. I think that they are 100 percent planning a repeat of 2020. Her running mate and she will keep ducking and dodging and they are the socialist dream team. They WILL try another steal some how some way.

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I think your right, a somewhat modified replay of 2020; in the "basement" tactics with no pressers and possibly no debates. They have to know as we all do that she doesn't have the capability to face serious questions let alone a debate.

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It's either that or some sort of catastrophe will happen. War? Hmm whatever it ends up being it will be big and I feel it coming. You are right about her too. I would love to see this cackling hen in a debate with Trump. It would be a verbal bloodbath and very entertaining too.

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I'd be willing to pay good money for a seat at that debate. One thing I can most certainly say is that every morning when I get up I haven't a clue as to what to expect next. Never in my life have I seen the likes of what we are experiencing, and I've around the block a few to many times.

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I would too. Like you having been around the block too many times too. I wake up wondering what is next too. At 62 I have seen a lot of elections and seen too much. We must teach our kids and young adults. I know a kid that is a senior in HS and he is so clueless. He thinks that there is no reason why men pretending to be women are ok to compete against those women. I was baffled by his comments. All I can say is that it might be too late.

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Sad to read and think it may be too late. I'm almost 72 now and a grandpa for a little over three years hoping that I can share the love and wisdom my grandmother shared with me throughout my younger days. To elaborate would turn into a book but I can say even now she was the greatest woman I have ever known.

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They can still pull a switch @ the DNC convention, & the press will give them cover.

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Waiting for the convention...think that will be most intersting.

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Her whole campaign could go down in flames as fast as it did when Tulsi Gabbard put it down in the 2020 debate. Clearly the media is going to shield her as long as they can.

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Amen. And her dancing partner Stolen Valor Let Minneapolis Burn Let's Change the State Flag, will be crippled with the truth.

From the beach....


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Needs to be. Amen

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The left has much experience hiding incompetence. 2020 on repeat. When will the white hats take out the MSM?

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funny...Robby Mook still hasn't committed "Clinto-cide!" It's on record through Michael Sussman's (?) trial by John Durham, that Robby Mook disclosed Hillary knew a whole lot more than stated.

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Please tell me that Mook guy is an actor !

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