America needs to do a thorough investigation into vaccines. There is a reason why there are so many children "changed" after a vaccine. I no longer trust big Pharma, the CDC, FDA, etc. I came across a Doctor's statement from 1937., who said there were no cancers in patients until vaccines. Another Doctor got a letter from the AMA in 1959 stating that the polio shot had cancer in it and to gear up and expect an epidemic. I remember there were lots of cancers then, all without the chemo, and advanced pain drugs we now have. I want accountability for this genocide against us. So happy Trump is talking about this.

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Make him Head of the FDA!

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Let's see what happens.

Trump needs to apologize to the American public about his submission to the Pence, Fauci, Brix, Redfield cabal. If I knew then what I know now speech. Remember how I got slammed by the Pavlovian media when I mentioned Ivermectin and hyydroxychloroquine ?

From the beach....


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Kennedy has said he is not ‘against all vaccines’ but he is suspicious of each one as well as the fluid that holds the vaccine. Vetting is good for anything we put in our bodies. Vaccines or ground up roaches. Nasty! Kennedy’s opinion is deep. I hope he and Trump work together. I would like to see Kennedy in Fauci’s spot and Fauci retired, loose his security clearance and investigated for abuse and deception of Covid pandemic restrictions as well as his possible monetary gains that were from abuse of his job over-site. How did this happen? Was it all above board or did he misuse his position? Hopefully the next Director will reevaluate ALL grants & monies awarded. Personally I would ask Trump to stop any and all experiments & procurements of biological warfare. Make treaties with other countries. Who needs to insert disease on anyone? Ukraine’s Zelensky said they had no biological disease making labs. Found out he had 26 and children in cages. Why do we support Ukraine but not our Seniors on Social Security & Medicare. How bout our vets? How about women having babies? No new technology since the spinal tap / block for pain. Surely there are more new things. Non radiation X-rays? See what the baby is doing in utero. Put Americans $ into tech, new medical technology, stem cell help for arthritis, insulin, night vision, bullets, kevlar, drones, tanks, prosthesis, heart cures, etc. and protection for our soldiers & servicemen. No experiments on Beagles anywhere to see how long it takes for parasites to enter their brain through their ears and how much pain they go through. Fauci is a nasty Dr Frankenstein. Please Kennedy & Trump you had a chance before and you missed it. Dont miss it now! Ask Ben Carson to join your team and put him in charge of Food & Drug Admin. No roach supplements. Carson knows its bad for the brain. Get Gen Z involved, marketed to and informed that they are the target of globalist. Explain what Shellac is made out of and dont allow anything like that in food. We are in weird times. Unite against people who hate humans. Humans are ok. I have some in my family. Don’t you?

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Fauci has knowingly committed vast crimes against humanity and his sentence should not be life in prison.

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It will be interesting to see what is the result of this.

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Biden asks him, "how did you choose to move" (at that moment?) That is telling

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Hopefully rfk will be able to continue to war against drug companies.

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I just read where RFK has apologized for the lead of the call. The leak should never have occurred, and he's been around long enough to know that where there are cameras or cell phones, nothing is private.

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