More and more I am convinced there is an unseen hand pushing this cult to do things which expose them. I think promoting transgenderism is another abomination that is same level stupid as rioting to kill babies. Wouldn't they be much smarter to keep it a secret like they have for millennia? They are now revealing the monstrosity of who they are and always have been. I am convinced this signals the end of them. Despite what they try to tell you, most people on earth feel revulsion by what they do. In fact I do not think we have an English word that can truly describe the evil we are now seeing. I do wonder, why are we learning about them now? Who or what is behind it?

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Why now? I think we've reached the precipice....and LIFE FORCE (however one wants to refer to it) is asserting itself. I just witnessed something which gives credence to your suggestion of an unseen hand (Life Force?) ... The baby of a woman I've known since her birth was born stillborn just 4 days prior to his due date last week. On its face, that is indeed tragic...until one considers that the woman referred to her fetus as a hybrid during her entire pregnancy and the woman herself had been referred to as an "it" by her mother when she was an infant and toddler. I just can't help but feel that that "unseen force" protected that infant from being born into a family in which mothers refer to their children as "its" and "hybrids." Such references to children break my heart!

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I believe that LIFE FORCE is the hand of God.

There may be Judas Goats in their ranks helping to spur on their demise. But if so God has put them there. And God gave us the very imperfect Donald Trump to stop their destructive course long enough for the world to wake up. That is what I believe.

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Sounds like we're pretty much on the same page.

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Yes! God is good! Years ago a very narcissistic co-worker got married. Got pregnant & kept referring to the baby as just making her fat. She kept exercising heavily, dieting and was SHOCKED she lost the baby! Why? She willed it out of existence & God saved that baby from a worse life.

I agree, God is sending us people to help.

God Is Good!

All The Time!

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Biden said “this is a sad day”...(that we can no longer kill babies)

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Look at the penultimate rejection. That is why they hate English and American Constitutionalists.

Taken from the English Constitution Party website.


England and her indigenous people have the right to exist under international declaration and covenants. We have the right to govern ourselves and extend democracy to counties, districts and parishes. We have the right to have our constitution applied and communicated to the people.

‘The British ‘Elites’ and Establishment have divided and ruled in such a way as to turn English subjects against one another.

We, the ECP:

reject colonialism; England being the last significant colony of the British Empire

reject imperialism

reject slavery in all its forms

reject racism, as it is a construct of divide and rule

reject foreign constitutions and foreign law

reject the British system of governance, corruption and despots

reject Fascism, Marxism and Communism and any method of controlling the means of production (you)

reject the undemocratic purging of common law rights and the English Bill of Rights and the British unconstitutional dismissal of these rights’"

You said "They are only making our point and justifying the eradication of their ideology."

we say "reject Fascism, Marxism and Communism and any method of controlling the means of production (you) "

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Your last line is priceless advice. Thank you 🙏

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God bless you my friend. Great observation and advice. That’s exactly what I’ll be doing as I continue stocking up on the necessities and tending to my small orchard. Country life is my jam. Stay strong and hold the line everyone.

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Interesting fact that many aren't aware of: Verizon has an annual MOLOCH Conference... Moloch is the god of child sacrifice. Why would a multimillion dollar corporation allow themselves to be aligned with that image? https://www.verizon.com/about/news/verizon-media-will-host-3rd-annual-moloch-conference

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Unfortunately, the history books will not tell the truth...they never have!

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