This is wonderful news! Thank You! The truth is showing its face!

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God bless our White Hat's, worldwide, who have been diligently working on securing Liberty and Justice for all!

Our world has been enslaved far too long. Valiant Warriors, God is with you!! Please keep up the great fight for humanity!! God is with us all!!!

My prayers today are for the many we have lost getting to this place. Each name is written in Heaven. I also will pray for the many who continue wandering in darkness. Some are very good people who are unaware of the endless lies, corruption and evil that has basically been their own life's 'foundation'... They just don't know. When they see the truth, it is going to shatter them to the core of existence. All hands and hearts on deck!

Stay strong Dear Friends!

Love Wins. Truth Prevails.

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We have to be ready for those about to go through the pain of waking up. Although they have made me feel lonely and crazy, I know they will need some support. I am grateful for the online support I have found here. It means a lot to me and enabled me to steady my feet. Looking forward to the pain the enemy will experience.

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Retribution fast and furious, Thank you President Trump White Hats, and Digital Soldiers.

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It’s about time the media put out a half assed article. They’re complicit and must face consequences!

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I don’t think you can let the numerous members of the GOP, or the UniParty if you prefer, off the hook. You can start with Cocaine Mitch and his CCP affirming wife, and then move on through the ranks to find numerous GOP traitors.

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This is the light in a long tunnel that has been needed. The Deep State and DNC however will NOT be going down without a big fight. Get ready for the next dirty trick in the book. Unleashing a dirty bomb in Ukraine to derail this investigation in an attempt to plunge us into WWIII before the midterms seems pretty likely. Prepare for something bigger and worse than Covid. Stock up gang it's going to be a bumpy ride ahead.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

What makes you sure that the UN will find them Guilty? Aren't they just like everything else,...owned and controlled by the Cabal of Elites? How does Russia even think they'll see a fair trial? Sorry, I don't mean to be a wet blanket, but I don't have any faith in JUSTICE these days.

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I'm happy with the timing seeing how high the stakes are. The Nuremburg 2.0 tribunals are a must see event in my opinion. Hanging on to RT or TASS.com for more information. Thanks Clandestine...

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Always appreciate your information and your intelligent perspective. Thanx

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As happy as I am to see the Hill actually doing it’s job (random act of journalism) my only question is how many members of the UN Security Council are globalists? Please understand that I the would love to see all of these rotten POS hauled off to the gallows, my cynical side questions whether or not this will actually happen.

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Thank You Clandestine 🙏

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They’re only doing this because everything’s going to be exposed before 2023.

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It's all coming to a head. The fruition of the work of many Patriots worldwide. #TheBestIsYetToCome

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The DOD & Pentagon are behind all this, how do you see the Military coming to our rescue when this is a United States Military program?

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