Once again, amazing information. Thank you for doing the research and getting the truth out there. I never knew how evil the powers that be were. Thank you for shining a bright light and exposing this.

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Don't forget to help by sharing it every where!

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Holy shit!!

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Seems that "the evil empire" (Regan quote on the USSR) now applies to the US Empire... And almost seems we have Emperor Caligula in charge with all the pedo and other stuff coming about about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and his sister's diary.

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I'm so glad I got a VPN. I took your advice about changing the VPN to China and was able to access the Russian Embassy. It is really sad that the American public is being blinded.

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It sure is! Because this is the kind of information that would wake people up more and also show them that we're all being lied to daily. I'm thinking that we've been LIED to now for 70 years!

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Is this the communication blackout we were told about? Sounds like it. There are very few people I know who would even entertain this info without seeing the videos. It’s that horrific, although I feel certain it is true bc I’ve seen the initial video Russia presented to the UNSC. I will get a VPN and watch. With all this so carefully planned and executed by US I am stunned the person they picked to revolve around all of this sensitive information is a crackhead whorehound. I mean really. He’s just walking around with all of this extremely extreme information in his cracked out noggin? And they’re OK with that? And then you have the sock puppet hair transplanted stumbling mumbling ‘big guy’ CornPorn knowing what he USED to know that could be blurted out at any moment? My mother had dementia and she did that. Seems like a YUGE gamble on their part to take after so many years of carefully planning this out. I don’t doubt it, bc these people ARE stupid.

And Jojo the dodo was just in SA. Who thinks the dark one hussein is traveling with him? Or at least Susan Rice. Someone has to watch him. Jumping ahead, I think time is drawing nigh to change the batter, and I now think WordSaladAnnie will move over to the potus and she will pick slick back Gavin Useless. So we have that to look forward to, them californicating the rest of what’s left of America! I hate this feeling of being on the Midnight Express and not being able to stop it.

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Be sure to check which countries it has sites in. Mine has 36 and doesn't include Hong Kong. I haven't found one yet that will allow me to open the page.

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Thanks for that tip!

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Thank you for this information. I have shared it all over Mewe.com. However I have a question. Why did you use "ARE" in so many places where Is would have been more appropriate? You never make mistakes,.....and it is all over in this Newsletter. Is it something I should understand? Thank you!

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Keep up the great work, Jacob.. We ALL appreciate your efforts!

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Since we aren't China (with the "Great Firewall") where everything goes through one firewall, it seems that blocking the Russian embassy from US IP addresses involves a massive coordinated effort among multiple entities. Can any network/firewall/DNS tech guru elaborate on what it would take for a foreign entity (not owned by the US) to be blocked by US citizens?

In other words, this is different than Netflix or YouTube blocking US IP Addresses going to their servers, or serving different content to US customers - which is easy to do.

As always, Thank you and God Bless, Clandestine!

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^^ is a new subscriber and happy to support your work! Thanks for the info ammo!

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Thank You 🙏💪

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Fantastic information!! Thank you for continuing to expose the real truth of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. If our Main Stream Media outlets are pushing a narrative, we all know its a complete fabrication & lie!

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Great update!

Meanwhile the US is preparing to "shuffle the deck" with useless idiots to keep the medicated masses locked in on their narcissistic lifestyle of crooked politicians trying to outdo each other.


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Fascinating information. The "wake up" to how evil the US government is has been challenging. The deception has been overwhelming at times. Deception is Satan's favorite weapon. I know God always wins and we will see justice this time. Thank you for your good work!

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Evil is the absence of Good. When evil conspires against good you have wicked.

Hello DNC

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Thank you very much for sharing the news about Russia in a way that is easy to understand

Deep state all need to be hung in public places for what they are doing and for what they have done

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Jacob, I configured my vpn client to Taiwan and then I could see that site. You need a Russian translator. Anybody on this substack that can speak-write Russian? thanks!

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Wondering if a translator app works on your system. Configure through settings. Hoping it will work for you. (I use a desktop and do not know if there are limitations for phone apps.)

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