Fantastic work. So it's all laid out before us. Barry and the DNC along with other demons funded it, Fauci and other demons made it. The CIA in its rushed attempt to release it to the public, fumbled the vials of C-19 one of which broke open in public in Wuhan. They used the footage of people falling over dead in China to amplify the fear all over the world. Then inflated and exaggerated the whole thing to lock down the country, steal the election, and get a strangle hold on the public. In the process, murdering anyone who was in the hospital at the time, starting with the older population. Also withholding any medical help for people who desperately needed it, like cancer patients and so on. I personally lost so much over this charade and there isn't enough $$ in the world to make the pain I suffered go away. We need to reinstate Trump right now and start un-fucking what these devils have so thoroughly fuct....

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Public Hangings

(after stripping them of doctorates and publishing)

Hang them by their little cloven hooves.

I pray to the Lord God Almighty for this daily.

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Ooohhhwhee! Preach it, Soulbiscit! I am in total agreement with you. And as for the money...they will never be able to fix or replace my son. I for one pray that ANYONE FROM THE PERSON AT THE VERY TOP WHO INSTIGATED THIS, ALL THE WAY DOWN THE LADDER TO THE PLUNGER PUSHERS suffer mightily.

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Pain and suffering is coming indeed. The plunger pushers injected it into my girlfriend, I thought she knew and didn't want to tell me, she died in my arms. Her 89 year old father wanted the Flu vaxx, said he got one every year and never got sick. I took him to Walgreens, where they told me there wasn't any mrna in the shot. They let me be in the room while he got it. Six weeks later I got violently sick out of nowhere and he died in the hospital. Every 15 minutes someone is getting that killer clot shot from the local pharmacy. I would have taken my anger right to these murderers had I not promised GOD that I wouldn't. One month ago I was given assurance from GOD that let me know we are all very important, down to the tiniest detail. Every interaction we ever had and every moment we spent here on earth. I sincerely doubt our Creator will leave out anyone involved in this mass genocide. I am sorry for your loss, GOD will make it right. Take care...

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I am so very sorry for your losses. I pray God holds you in the palm of his hand and grants you peace. My son has not passed yet. He is MICU, presently in a coma and on a vent. Has been in hospital for 13+ months. Myocarditis, Sepsis, pneumonia, renal failure, now liver failure, bleeding from stomach that they can’t seem to stop. Now needs 2 valves replaced in his heart...the list goes on. The coma he is in is from ammonia levels being so high because the liver can’t filter very well due to the damage from all of the seriously strong antibiotics. My biggest thing though, is that he still will not hold the vaccine responsible...even though he didn’t get sick until after he took the shot and 1 booster. Just so you know, he didn’t think like this until after he married a flaming liberal attorney. Then he drifted away from his conservative roots. I remember him telling me year before last that “Covid would be a death sentence for me”. Will never forget it.

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GOD holds me close and grants me peace as I do need it more from time to time. Try this prayer for your son, as a Christian I know it seems a bit hippy dippy but if it can get your son out of the coma I'm sure he will be more appreciative of his spiritual roots. https://www.globalenlightenmentproject.com/sacred-prayers?pgid=k5itydd9-295596b1-3986-11ea-b02a-12879e2400f0

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At 9:00 tonight my daughter in law sent me a text saying my son opened his eyes and was moving his feet. That was a powerful prayer, sir! I have the text but don’t know how to put it on here. I still need to pick my teeth up off of the floor...THANK YOU FOR SHARING!

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GOD IS Great and God takes care of his children. I'm getting tears from the good news. Have a good night and keep praying...

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I’m getting tears from the both of you. Our life here on earth is our price to pay. We are put here with every intention of leaving. Some don’t have to stay as long as others. Don’t get me wrong, I love life, but this is not the end of our journey. Soulbiscit I’m so sorry about your loss of girlfriend. GOD must have figured she’d been here long enough, she’s home now. I’ve armed myself with supplements needed for vaccine injury. I didn’t get the vaccine but family members did. If I may approach them and get them to take them, it might help. Most likely can’t offer unless they get sick. I’m armed if needed.

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Thank you for the kind words, I'm happy to see you are so vigilant about protecting your family, it is very necessary at this time. You are 100% right about my girlfriend, she is with GOD now and I can't wait to see her again, not just to dish out some I told u so's, but because GOD promised me we would be able to pick up where we left off on our terms.

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Thank you so much! When folks do stuff like this it really makes my heart sing! I s appreciate the prayer and will share it as well. God bless you!🙏🕊❤️

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Agree with everything but fumbling. They intentionally disbursed that virus, far every reason you mentioned. Ask Nanzi? Wtf was she and Obeyme doing in wuhan just months before they were out of power? No, you nailed it, but it was all very well thought out, until now where the truth comes out. It was all about the election. I'm having a difficult Ike myself, and I'm not long on this earth. So...

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However much time you have on this earth, spend it with your loved ones and leave a lasting impression on everything and everyone around you. Praise GOD and take care

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I lost my 48 year old son today at 01/25/2023 at 1:19pm from having your Covid cocktail and 1 booster injected into his arm. Congratulations to Bill Gates, Freaky Faucci, and a whole host of mass murdering big pharma stock holder’s, employees, the US government, (which includes every facet of government 3 letter agencies et. al) Deep State, RINOS, big tech, medical industry…. Your product works just fine….just like you planned. I wholeheartedly pray that from the very top of the ladder of evil all the way down to the plunger pushers, that you each and every one, die a slow and excruciatingly painful death for the crimes you have committed against the people of Gods’ earth. I also pray “we, the people” get a front row seat to watch you and ANYONE who was even REMOTELY involved or had ANY knowledge of it (spouse, child, mom, dad, uncle, etc.) suffer your sins right beside you.

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So sorry for your horrific loss, and will be right beside you throwing lead when the time comes.

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My heart goes out to you Rita, I will share a prayer with you to help him pass into the GODs arms where he will be waiting to see his loving mother. I said this prayer for my Heather and her father just to make sure they stay in the GOD realm and not in the false realm of mans wickedness.


48 years old is not a natural age to pass and we know it, I despise the liberals who paved the way for such unnatural things to occur but like I agreed, It is not for us to judge them but for GOD to judge them the way he sees fit. Please let the anger go and make a covenant with GOD so you can be with your son again, on your terms. It's hard I know, but this life is just a blink of an eye in comparison to eternity by his side. GOD Bless you Rita.

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But wait! There is more...

The inventor of the COVID test, warns us about Dr. Fauci over 25 years ago.


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Fauci et Fiends,

A legacy of

Torture, Murder and Sniveling Dementia.

Burn it Down,

Burn it ALL Down.

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Keep on loading up the evidence! I’m running low on popcorn 🍿! 😂❤️😂

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We all know what happened, how it happened and when it happened. Its time for ACTION. All this drip drip dip is just diluting the horrific crimes to avoid total outrage. Enough.

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Thank you.

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Great article! I questioned the validity of Covid from the beginning. Because one, pandemics don’t start at pandemic-level; and two, why push this so hard unless they had a nefarious reason to? Fauci is too much of a narcissist and egotistical weasel to stay silent; he has to brag to someone about what he’s done, how he got away with mass murder, and what he got out of it. It’s always the man-made disasters, viruses, wars, that give these bureaucratic trolls a god-complex which they take as a right to pick and choose who lives and who dies. But when their intended victims fight back, uncover their dirty deeds, and hold them accountable, they’re always amazed to realize the peasants have teeth.

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And rope. And bullets. And fire, we have fire!

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Rope and bullets would be too quick. Fire is nice and slow....

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I'll be glad when you graduate and tell the truth that needs telling.

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Telling the truth is worth any risk. I graduate in August, but I’ve already started working on some articles I’d eventually like to post on here and my blog.

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I'll follow!

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Exciting news.... I finally started my own Substack!

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Our prayers will be answered, I am 100% sure of it.

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Great piece, young’un. All of this EVIL just “makes my ass want to take a dip of snuff”! My momma used to say that...just before she whipped our butts with whatever she could pick up! I just wish the vengeance of the Lord will hit every single one of the demons before a lot more people suffer and die so that they can see the reciprocity thrown back at the EVIL in spades. You folks have a blessed weekend!🙏🕊🇺🇸❤️

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I'm pretty sure the full armor of God is gonna be required, and the fourth box. I don't even have my box anymore, it's all in magazines.

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Why isn't this A hole locked up?

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Disgusting. We thought we lived in a free country. No freedom or privacy left in this world. I can’t imagine how you ever dial this back.

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We got them by the short hairs. Trust the Plan

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Part of the plan? Or other side fighting back? There are a couple of outliers in here otherwise it looks like Murder Inc.

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Clandestine’s article is spot on. I’ve done the research. I’m just adding another dimension

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That article above is from early 2000s. I believe it’s still relevant. These people are ruthless. Enforcement arm imo 🤡

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Regardless, what are the odds. Those labs in Ukraine were being built since bush senior was head of cia, so...

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I’m trying.

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Connect the dots. This is how they do it. FVEY. (Five Eyes)

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Excellent work.

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They're covering up a lot more than that.

I just released a 106-minute documentary that you might want to see.

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I never understood why we (the U.S.) didn't just blame the whole thing on Muslim terrorists. Everyone would believe it and we could subsequently do or not do whatever we wanted in the Middle East.

Thanks for being the lone voice covering this fiasco. God will reward your efforts. God Bless You, Clandestine!

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Hi, thank you for your great work on the origins theory… Are you familiar with Jeff (JR) Nyquist? He has studied China & Russia for decades, I think you’d find this article interesting: https://jrnyquist.blog/2023/02/27/the-strategic-context-plus-a-censored-video-podcast/

Pull quote from article: “According to reports, during the most difficult period of the Sino-US trade war, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) considered the use of viral weapons to disrupt the United States.”

It would be amazing if the two of you could connect for an interview…

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I look forward to that time as it grows near...

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Jan 22, 2023
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Get into a sauna, you can sweat out the toxins. Prior to the sauna take some Clean Slate by ROOT wellness. There are many other ways to detox if you look into it. Dr. Ken Rohla at Fresh and Alive has a lot of knowledge and content on the subject. I highly recommend him. If you become a member of Fresh and Alive you will have access to all of his knowledge, only $5

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