We knew it and we saw it coming. It is so obvious now especially since the Blue States are getting ready to lock down again. Those poor people. What is so upsetting about this is the reason and that is ti cheat. That frustrates me to no end. The Republicans, independents etc must go vote In mass so we can overwhelm the system and they will not be able to cheat again. Vote !!!!!! It is that important!!!!!

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I think every one of the Patriots knows just how important voting is this time. Our Michigan Primary is tomorrow,...and our whole family discussed who to vote for and why this evening. We are all on the same page,....voting for Tudor Dixon for Michigan Governor. And several others that we feel are not RINOS. We're NOT USING THE SHARPIES that they provide either! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice,...shame on me!!! Sharpies bleed through and then the ballots have to be re-done by one of the election workers. NO FREAKING WAY!! I'm bring a Black Ball Point pen!!! I TRUST NO ONE!!!

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Good idea !

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🙄like we didn’t see that coming from a mile away!

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As the old saying goes, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” We won’t get fooled again.

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I wish I could agree with you. Sadly though, so many don’t understand or even care to understand what it means. So many don’t even know they were fooled. Yes, many have learned that we were duped and lied to over and over again. Lied to by those we trusted. Lied to by our government(s). Lied to by “the news”. Lied to by celebrities. Lied to by social media. The list goes on and on.

I learned “Fool me once…..” many years ago as a young teenager. If I allow you to fool me, I will learn from my mistake and it won’t happen again.

Lockdowns version 2 are just beginning. When will I know that “WE” won’t be fooled again? When I stop seeing fools driving in their cars…ALONE, wearing a mask!

BTW, I’m in a radical blue state in the northeast. My bank is still locked and the door will only be unlocked if I have an appointment and if I want to see my doctor, I’m still required to wear a mask.

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Let me change that. “I” won’t get fooled again. We are still living among way too many with mass formation psychosis. It’s very sad to see.

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I understand.....I have 2 sisters and 1 brother who still believe in all the lies. If I argue with them,....they say that I'm trying to hurt them because I'm a supporter of President Trump. We have stood by each other for decades! Why all of a sudden have their hearts been convinced that I would tell them something that would hurt them?

Listening to them,....I realize that the DARPA Psyop that FAUCI and the CDC pushed 24/7 during the months of isolation and lock down, worked very, very well. And from what I've read, it is extremely hard to undo this brainwashing at all.

That's why they will all line up for the Monkey Pox Vaxx and put back on their masks and lock themselves down in their homes again. We know it's all a lie and a SCAM to push mail in voting again before the Election. But those People will not see it,....even if it's right in their faces! It is very sad. My sisters have all had 4 shots, my brother at least 2. I will most likely lose both my sisters in the next 3-5 years. Their children have been vaxxed too. Only my side of my family,...my kids and grand kids will be left in the end. Very, very sad. But sometimes you just have to realize there is nothing more you can do, except to be there when the sickness comes for them. :)

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Which state are you in?

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Hoo boy

SFBay will go ape shit crazy with this one.

Get me outta here Mr. Wizard.

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Remember, the more people there are, the more power we have. Hence, the lower population density.

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In my honest opinion I think they have just entered the suicide stage. We’re witnessing the complete and very public destruction of the old guard. God bless patriots we will have our day.

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The former. Without a doubt in my soul. The time of these evil phooks end is near.

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Did you guys notice the photo of Nancy with Blinken and Austen de-boarding in Malaysia ? The Federal marshal behind her is the same as the one at the crapitol on Jan. 13 th ?

LOL I can't post those photos here but here's a link to the Ghosts in the Machine to help you understand we are experiencing a psyop. So much fun really ! Do some research.


Austin and Blinken with her too. Austin's face super stressed.


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Nothing to see here, Folks. Move along. SMH

Talk to everyone about this but make it seem like it was their idea, then it will really sink in with them. This is the only way the Libtard Left and RINO's know how to win - CHEATING!!!

As I stated in another post comment on 7-30, one of the biggest side effects of the experimental COVID jab is shingles. What do shingles look like? Monkeypox.

Am I a doctor? No. Am I an educated-independent researcher? Yes. Do I know (you all know too) that the MSM and politicians lie for a living? Oh, hell yes! Is this a massive farce with zero comedy? Yup! This shit isn't funny, Folks. They [DS] are trying to exterminate us and take everything from us.

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They won't succeed.

But many are jabbed and too stoopid to think for themselves. Sadly may whole family has rejected me a couple of years ago sad for them. They are making bad decisions because the TV tells them to.

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Same here. All of my "friends", whom I grew up with, and my own mother have shunned me due to my "narrow-minded thinking" for not getting jabbed. Mom even said, "Well, it's FDA approved!" Only a couple have apologized recently and said they regretted getting the "vax".

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Gates has said we need to prepare for 10 years of plandemics.

From 2020 to 2030. That fits the globalists plan for depopulation, agenda 2030.

It's all been planned by the globalists.

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Their time has run out, or is about to. They are so exposed.

And I, like all patriots, am ready for a big change with the whole corrupt population behind bars.

And it's going to be a big group!! That's why Gitmo has been made so much bigger.

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Round #2, will it fly?

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Yes ..I agree excellent article . The question remains are the masses in these shithole states going to buy the grift this time? Newsome is a narcissist megalomaniac tyrant. And they all cheat,always always will until the lemmings wake.

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No they are too far gone but what about you ? are you buying it ?

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I shouldn't laugh - I'm in a Dem controlled state.

But really - did anyone see this: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/07/san-francisco-kink-fetish-festival-press-despite-monkeypox-emergency/

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Same thing as the Chinese New Year celebrations just before CV. Pelosi was walking around Chinatown in SF to show that she wasn't a racist because CV was from Wuhan, nothing to fear....

Wretched people. Every single one of them.

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This is getting to be very entertaining !

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I truly hope that President Putin is right and that things are going to take a tum for the better in that Pelosi's capture and subsequent trial will start the need for bigger popcorn machines

Put simply we the people have had enough of their scandalous bs

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According to Gates, this one is supposed to be a doozy. We're supposed to be really impressed. If you thought Covid19 was great, wait untill you see Monkeypox. Coming soon to a theatre (of war) near you.

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I'm so glad I don't live in those states. The BIG 3 Blue States are always going to declare emergency-everything. The overlords of these outlandishly inhumane and corrupt states need new leadership, and soon!

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