After the amount of crap Trump has been put through while keeping and growing the amount of people that will go out and vote for him, a gesture like this isn't necessary. DJT is the man and any pick for his second term administration is an absolute blessing. Stay hopeful clandestine but know in your heart whoever he does end up choosing will be awesome...

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Agreed but last night I did a search into Cheryl H. his wife. What I saw was a dominant female running RFK Jr she has TDS and made no bones about it mainstream media not a good look for VP.

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He's got to WIN first, soulbiscit. And to do this, teaming up with RFK JR might be the unbeatable ticket. Don't count your chickens before they hatch, as it is said.

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Perhaps testing the waters if true.

However, I opine, not a smart move for the Trump team.

It dilutes everything 45 represents with his America First platform.

Pence was a RINO spy for the Swamp.

RFK, Jr. differs with 45 and would never commit to the America First policies.

Such an alliance would backfire on 45.

His base would not tolerate such an accommodation.

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To save the American Republic, their teaming up might be necessary. If you recall, Political Moonshine has been quite adamant that the IC will NEVER allow DJT back into the WH. The first step it to get him elected, and a DJT/JFK JR ticket would do that in spades.

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Trump & RFK are still 'in the swamp' with the Zionist Lobby, so it will merely be 'cutting out SOME establishment figures... to strengthen further the faction already most powerful.'

America, as it exists today, is no longer a viable political entity. As 'Israel' approaches its inevitable Demise via Mass Emigration & Flight (caused by never-ending damage to infrastructure):

America too will find itself Cornered & rendered a Global Pariah very rapidly.

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Have you ever lived anywhere else in this world? Not as a visitor but as a citizen. Coming from one who has, let me assure you the USA is hands-down THE best hope there is for humankind, warts and all. Where do you suggest people are people going to emigrate? From Israel, yeah. Have you ever lived THERE?? There’s a LOT of more desirable places to live for Israelis. But to compare the political viability of the US with Israel only exposes the level of one’s ignorance.

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The deep state/wall st/zios have been attacking the USA for decades - infiltrated by enemies both foreign and domestic. USA policy (not Americans) has been hated decades. We The People, up to this point in time (5+ years) have been fed garbage news on a revolting basis.

You ain't telling us something we don't know.

Just What Is Your Agenda?

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your name says it all - "The Fall of the West"

Good to know you are transparent in your attacks. Kinda like the khazarian mafia leaves 'tells' to let us know when we are going to get f*cked with.

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(For those interested)

If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:


Thank You Kindly to everyone!

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Helps to restore President Trumps "get the jab" dilemma.

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children's Health Defense)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Although, I ain't ever going to forget his pushing it. Stanford Uni Nurse (30+) suffered stroke from J$J jab, is disabled can't go back.

So f*ucking sad.

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So vote for moochelle, then.

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Be my guest.

President Trump doesn't need a Kennedy to win, sister.

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Like a lot about RFK Jr. It’s an attractive idea. Trump was a Kennedy Dem before he wasn’t. Both have many reasons to hate the State. But, nervous about RFKJr long-standing and blood-ties to the Party of Evil. (Teddy wasn’t the man his brothers were, which is why he likely survived/thrived as he piloted much of the crud we see today.)

Trump would need assassination insurance.

Is RFKJr that guy?

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Ya mon.


The tunnel digging baby bashing for supper chabad? Wait, what.

The son-in-law.

President Trump,

please explain.

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There better be a Plan in place to safeguard them - God-level Full Metal Jacket backstopped by We The People…..

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Spades or not, the ticket , were it to occur, will not have my support.

Talk about an unbalanced and disruptive WH

and a gleeful media!

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It might be instructive to peruse RFK Jr.’s official campaign platform as it reads today. Presumably this represents his current position on various issues. https://www.kennedy24.com/

Here are a few excerpts: Environment: “We will incentivize the transition of industry to zero-waste cycles and clean energy sources, and forge agreements with other countries to implement these policies throughout the global supply chain.” …..”We will protect wild lands from further development, by curbing mining, logging, oil drilling, and suburban sprawl.”

Re: illegal immigrants: “Because migrants have no documentation, they have no bargaining power or recourse when employers take advantage of them. They work for $5 or $6 an hour. They exist as the permanent bottom layer of a shadow economy from which it is almost impossible to escape. A pool of cheap, exploitable labor lowers the floor for all labor, putting downward pressure on wages and harming the American working class.” Not a word about a plan or intention to expel/deport them.

There’s a lot of other policies, many of which are in practice and are destroying California, which are also at odds with policies championed by Trump. I suggest people study the platform on which RFK Jr. is running to get a good understanding of what he stands for instead of accepting various interpretations of what he might stand for.

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Not sure I would believe anything printed in a New York newspaper... it's a wait and see.... does not seem like a TRUMP pick to me.... another Kennedy....Democrat... man with addiction problems for many years... does not seem like a good match for Trump or for all of us. Just my opinion, I am certain JFK Jr. is a very nice man... then, there are the neccessary credentials.... this is a WAR position... I trust Trump.

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Oh I so agree that a Trump/JFK Jr ticket would absolutely unify this country and their joining forces would be such a great thing for America. JFK Jr came from a family who was devastated by the establishment. He knows it full well. He himself saw the corruptness and wrong agenda from his own party so chose to be Independent. I believe a great many good people who are Democrats are disenfranchised by their party and JFKJr would bring them in to vote for other than a total Republican ticket and be able to align with someone other than their party member. Yes shout it loud. I would definitely vote for this great duo. Pray it happens. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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This should put to rest anyone having any hopes for RFK Jr. being Trump's VP. He strongly rejected the idea and said the NY Post article was a false story.


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Plus his wife wouldn't approve...

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