Excellent commentary - relentless volley of hard hitting facts about the Democrats (Uniparty's) weaponization of federal law enforcement against America First political conservatives, but then they want to cry and garner sympathy that the "tables will be reversed" against them. We've dealt with playground bullies all of our lives who can dish it out but cannot take a returned punch. This needs to be done...good and hard.

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100% in Agreement, the only additional thing I can say is that this goes back beyond 20 years ago even though it was less blatant or Brazenly in our Faces it absolutely existed and was in fact Business As Usual. To create co-intel groups, covert Agent Provocateur's, front groups, Regime Change operations, funding arms and Drug Trade and Hiding it is all part and parcel of Weaponizing the levers of Power against the People! No Joke no Bullshit and 100% agreement with your ending paragraphs above:

"So for all the Left-wing media-types clutching your pearls over the idea of Trump weaponizing the government, you have to realize that your side are the evil ones who already weaponized every fabric of American society.

The American People are sick of your shit and there will be consequences for the way you all have conducted yourselves over the last 20 years or so. "

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All the BLM signs in the white peoples driveways are gone now. Calling someone anti semitic is passe in light of what's happening in Palestine.

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What that old saying " what goes round comes around "

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Comes around PLUS INTEREST!

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The left are now crying? Their weaponizing has brought to light a lot of their deeds. Especially dual citizenship with Israel. I am a born again Christian and it was not easy to note everything I thought and knew about Zionist State Israel was wrong. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200106-jeffrey-epstein-was-blackmailing-politicians-for-israels-mossad-new-book-claims/

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I hope President Trump is pissed beyond measure this time around, so that he slams the hammer down on all those deep state MFers!!! He was too soft on them the first time!!

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Your lips to God’s ears!!!

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Yessir, the one most important thing that is getting overlooked by the MSM and the left is that it is "We the People" behind the scenes who have called for these actions. We voted for DJT to be our leader because he promised us he would drain the swamp and give the power back to us. This is not Trump getting vengeance against his enemies, he could've demolished each one of you on his own. This is Trump getting vengeance on our enemies. Be thankful, he does things by the book and if he didn't take the job your fate would be in our hands....

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Absolutely, we are sick of their shot and want to see consequences.

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The last sentence 😊😊😊

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Is there a ‘Follow’ limit on Substack like Truth Social has?

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