Thank you for bravely and boldly expressing and articulating this Point of View. It is more than a Point of view, though. That seems an inadequate choice of words on my part. I think it is better to say it is recognizing Objective Reality! Again Thank you, and Be Careful Clandestine - you are drawing fire by being over the Target. I want you to stay healthy and Stay in this Battle. We Will Win - WWG1WGA

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You are correct in your narrative. And please remember, FJB, the Diapered Muppet in the WH only because of a spineless SCOTUS refusing to intervene in a rigged election, married the family babysitter, Jill. Yes, that's her.

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and Jill always seems to be disconnected, brain-dead, unable to focus on that is in front of her..... is this because she is a true AirHead or because she has been so indoctrinated in sexual deviancy and crimes that she no longer can see her own reality???

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I would go with your latter observation, Jill. I mean, you know , she earned a doctorate in education from the infamous University of Delaware late in life. You think her Diapered Muppet husband might know the Board Chair? Right!

Let's go with the AirHead!

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Please write about Leftist corporations and the symbology they puke out -

The Disney Corp movies are full of this shit,

The Economist, Nike, Balenciaga,etc

Would like to see

All the subhumans killing the souls of children exposed and sentenced.

And, pls report on Arnault, the french family that owns luxery brands - perfume, watches, leather goods-

What species of leather and whete do the skins originate from?

(See jimmy kimmel Charmin skit for in our face contempt)

Dark sick shit

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I most certainly concur with your wise and accurate observation. I would even say the lefties have exclusive ownership of the pro-pedophilia idealogy/agenda. There is no arguement about it. At the core of conservatives you will find love and compassion for family, God, and community. We believe in preserving these values and protecting future generations from the psychotic zealots on the left. The ones who parade their young in front of the most perverted freaks. Look at us, we are so progressive that it defies logic. Since when in the history of man has it been a good idea to leave your children with the members of society wearing costumes and makeup out in public? Everyday freaks with no children of their own to permenantly damage. The answer is f@#&#ng never. We don't replace babysitters with homosexual clowns, creepy clowns, or pantomimes. The last thing we want to do is force our kids to be in such vulnerable places. We know what happens the moment parents are gone and it ain't nothing nice or magical. But the left are so damn self-centered and neglectful that they will allow a creepy old dude to start touching and sniffing on their kids while they are right in the room. They don't hide it like before and look how bad it has gotten. Yeah I'm getting furious just putiing into words the type of shit that the modern day demoncrats are all about. Yeah many republican politicians are also hedonistic freaks, it comes with unchecked power, but that pervy funtime is over and they will be checked by us "far right extremists" who are fucking done with the bullshit. It's goddamn hunting season on all pedovores, no matter how rich and powerful they once were nothing can protect them now.....

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I totally agree with Tom here. Watch your back. The mentally ill tend to be on the left. Another LBGTQ shooting today,1/4, in Iowa. False Flag? MK Ultra odd ball kid used to take our 2nd Amendment away? They desperately need to get our Guns to make the WEF agenda work. We were told we would be seeing these false flags. Keep your head on a swivel, stay safe.

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Yes. Truth. Wonderful if one is not on the side of the baby/child rapists or covering up the same or making billions turning our children into infertile freaks. Perfect example in our town of about 33,000 over the past few months.... I went to a city council meeting where there were a group of people who were supporting the LGBTQ, etc. in the children’s section of our library and a group totally opposed to anything sexuality related in the children’s section at all. Those supporting looked like any group; the group for was filled with weird colors of hair, tatoos and piercings everywhere, etc. Sometimes a picture truly is worth a thousand words. True observation, but if I had said a word concerning the blatantly obvious.....??

God bless!

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My hope is that President Trump will invoke the Death Penalty for all Pedophiles, beginnning with the thousands who currently work for our government and for those who have continued on, having gotten away with the heinous crimes against innocent children. A Retro-Active Caveat would be a Major Coup for All Children.

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