Nancy is no more you guys. All these people have been dealt with already by the white hats. This drama is to keep the MSM confused because it's time to take them down for good. That's what the Art of War is - deception.

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I've been hearing that since this nightmare began. All I have seen in the way of real action is them dismantling our country piece by piece. I really wanted to believe it too. I waited and waited and the "white hats" have not taken anyone down.

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Yeah you will not see it because if you knew and everybody else knew about the arrests the criminals would also know. There are many "tells" and but not on the MSM.

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I admit that I have seen the "tells" as you say. I am hoping that you are right. Praying daily on that a lot actually.

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Me too everyday I pray for the awakening.

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Heavenly Father, please, I beg of you, deliver humanity from the evils of Satan and his minions, for they are legion. Abolish them from the face of the earth. Send them to Saturn, Venus, Uranus...or even Pluto! I hear they are nice this time of year, not that it matters. And Father, please preserve humanity and let all live closer to the “words written in red”. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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Point well written and taken, with the DS seemingly becoming more desperate to effect cause for a national if not international emergency this would certainly apply. From another angle with Xi and Putin along with other countries denouncing the DS, DNC, Pentagon and others personally by name and institution could be another "Wiley Coyote" play by the DS with China not playing their game. Alot of saber rattling on China's part but I don't believe they really want to lead off into WWIII, especially with all the internal problems they have at present. We are most certainly navigating in a multi-dimensional chess board geo-political world.

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Another proof that they eat their own! Thank you for another great article!

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Oh the Deep State knows all about making sacrifices, they are experts on the topic. but it's always sacrificing others never a personal sacrifice of their own blood, sweat, finances,, or any of the comforts they are used to. I will enjoy watching it all get taken from them, suicides will spike higher than current inflations...

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So-called right-wing media is onboard as well. I first learned of this on National Review this AM. That she is standing up to the bully that is China! Please. Many comments are of the flavor "I hate her, but hooray for Nancy!' and that we must show solidarity when the other side stands for the right thing!

There is something that doesn't smell right, although I admit, these days I am rather jaded, so that could be my own prejudice. But 10 years ago, hell 5 years ago, I would have agreed. There is a plethora of NeverTrumpers at NR in their staff and the readers, but lately, the trolling has been rather aggressive which is interesting given you have to have a subscription to comment. It has an air of people being paid to troll. Would not be surprised to see that their 4 AM memo was to push the bravery of the octogenarian and her team. /s

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Any way to know if she is actually aboard the plane? Here’s some science fiction for you: the plane is an unmanned drone, shoot it down = WWIII, Nancy safe elsewhere. Am I crazy?

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Not crazy; I had a similar theory - cup and ball game.

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While it’s tempting to wish her meet a dramatic end….

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God is in Control.All this have to be done . Right?

Pray everyday and put on your armour of God

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This is confusing, especially given that it's being reported by the old media - I tend to believe the exact opposite of what they say.

My (worthless) guess is that something will come up that prevents Pelosi from going to Taiwan or China will simply prevent Pelosi's plane from landing and escort it out of their airspace with 4 Fighters (and pics/video to boot) - easy enough to do and puts the US in the no-win position of having to kinetically retaliate (not likely at all) or accept it (admitting China rules the roost). Unlike Russia/Ukraine, it's too late to cover this up.

Bad move by Pelosi - it just draws further attention to China/Pompeo vs. China/Pelosi with no apparent upside.

Thanks for keeping us posted, Clandestine, and God Bless!

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Makes perfect sense

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Or it is a false flag to spread fear and divide us

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If this was a chess game, and I think it is (sort of), then Nancy, the Queen, just got played. So, looks like we may be getting close to the end of this game, of sorts. Hopefully, soon, it will be a Trump Checkmate on The Swamp. BTW, Trump is an expert chess player and Barron was awarded the prestigious title of Chess Grandmaster from the International Board of Chessmasters.

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How do you sneak one in?

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Does Nancy's secretive/classified "movement" satisfy Red 3?!?!

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