Something doesn't compute. If she were going for all the reasons given by her office, why has civilian surveillance been turned off of that plane? Where is that plane really headed?

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I love that there is an office of the speaker of the House, dedicated to just her. Completely useless at providing any relevant information. All this time and money spent on keeping the corrupt machine going is now eliminated. Pay her no mind and give no F%&@s for the wicked witch of the west....

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"Under the strong leadership of President Biden..."

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

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I was on continuous “mouth throw-up” mode” for 8 straight years under the Kenyan Skidmark’s and Big Mike’s regime. The Fake News convinced their viewers that the Sun rose from his ass every morning.

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Loved your last line. My thought: being ‘hostile’ toward Pelosi is just a natural state of mind for about, oh, at least 75% of US citizens. It’s amusing to think we are totally aligned with the CCP in that regard.

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Just my introverted opinion, but I see little to no reason anymore for physical travel to meet with foreign leaders. How about meeting via a secure Skype/Zoom-like connection and make the meetings transparent and available to We The People who fund all of this.

Physical travel is an expensive (and "un-green") editable photo-op and makes me wonder why it's needed and what's really happening that we aren't privy to. The days of closed-door secret meetings are coming to an end imo, since our so-called leaders have abused it to further their self-serving goals.

All of these biolabs, money-laundering foundations, child trafficking operations, black-ops, outright lies ("WMD" anyone?) all over the world, (Ukraine wasn't built overnight), etc., would never be possible with a transparent open-source government.

"Congrats, newly elected congress person - here's your phone for the duration of your single term. Be advised that any US citizen can listen in and track you 24/7."

Thanks for all your tireless reporting ("Those who know cannot sleep"), Clandestine, and God Bless!

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My best guess is the 1400+ DoD illegal Bioweapons Labs in Taiwan. Pelosi makes sure the DoD annual budget is approved by Congress. So she holds the Deep State’s purse strings.

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She needs to be very careful...there ARE A LOT of NEFARIOUS people out there that sincerely dislike/hate her. She should know who “like minded evil” are. And if she has already “served her purpose” it would be lights out for the “sot pot”. All in God’s own time.

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