It’s way past time to MAGA🙏🇺🇸👊💪

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Todd Beamer coined one of the most famous battle cries of this century.

We are more ready than we will ever be...

Let's Roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Inappropriate comment.

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Did you see any one do anything about the 2020 Election Fraud??????????? Nothing. Of course they are doing it again. It worked just fine the last time. They have ruled us illegitimately for 2 years! We did nothing. They destroyed our Energy Independence on day ONE! we did nothing. They burned our food plants down, they slaughtered MILLIONS of our Food animals, they told farmers to burn 1/2 their crops last summer! still, we did nothing. They are destroying our currency too,....but who cares! Let's ride the Stock Market! IT's going up! No one cares any more. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to do this all again.

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Because your comment pointed at what Todd Beamer said, "Let's Roll," as a ruse, which I find inappropriate - to say anything negative about a heroic victim of mass murder.

You may have meant that 9/11 was just a ruse, but your comment's antecedent is the remarks about Todd Beamer.

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Okay. I agree with you on the things you wrote just above. Also, I didn't have any hostility in any of my words. I am sorry you read them that way. If you re-read what I wrote, it is written very matter-of-factly and addresses only the ambiguity about what your comment was referring to.

So...let's agree that we are now on the same page. Thank you for writing the thoughtful account of what you were referring to. That gives clarity I appreciate having.

I do tons of research and totally agree with you about the lies of 9/11 and many more events we've been lied to about.

I would like to very respectfully offer a little tip that might be helpful going forward with your comments, which are needed and you have a lot to contribute. If you could try to be sure to create your post as a reply to the exact comment you intend the reply to address, that would be great. It's easy to post in an unintended place after reading a string of comments. Double checking to make sure a comment is referring to the the words you are responding to is a great way to go.

For my part, I would have been better off to have not responded to what I thought was dissing Todd Beamer. I should have written it off as an unintended placement of a comment and avoided this escalating. I will remember that going forward.

Are we good now? I hope so, because we are absolutely on the same page : )

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In light of the National Guard deploying ‘cyber security’ teams in multiple states and the DOJ targeting 64 location across multiple states (many of the cities where the election was stolen) I’m curious as to whether this alters your view on the likelihood of a red wave.

My view is that the Marxist forces did not steal 2020, only to give up some of their power in 2022. I believe the steal is on, and it will be more blatant than 2020.

Not enough was done over the past two years to stop them (much more could have been accomplished, but many of the same GOP legislatures that refused to address 2020 did nothing to address the issues).

I’ve called every shot in the past 3 years, from the virus hoax, to the 3 November steal, to the economic calamity.

I pray that this time I miss the net.

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What if this was a huge sting operation to catch people who would sell out our country at deeper levels than just the ones at the top - their 'sleepers' getting videotaped for prosecution later?

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We are all hoping for that! But expecting nothing but FRAUD. Do you know that O'biden changed our Nuclear Rules, since Reagan we have always had a NO first strike rule, we would never use nukes first. Well, they just changed it. Now we can strike first. What a great way to create a Nuclear WAR.

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Yeah. We can pray for that. But these people play inside a box. They have been playing the same game for decades. And they tell you what they are going to do ahead of time. And they know 95% of Americans are pathetic wimps who will just accept the orders (masking, lockdowns, jabs) or the election results. Compare what happened in the aftermath of 2020 to what happened recently in Brazil. That is true Patriotism.

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You are correct. You did not miss the net. These EVIL people will stop at nothing to keep their CONTROL of this Planet. Not just our Country, but the entire planet. They have it now, and they'll do anything to keep it. They need a WAR. And they're not going to stop until they get one. Be in a Civil War or a Nuclear War, they don't care.

They have huge well stocked BUNKERS under ground to wait it all out as we die of the shots, and we starve from lack of food and water, and we freeze to death because of a lack of heating fuel! They have NOTHING TO LOSE!

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

The only section of the VRA that's actually active is Section 2. It's very constricted. Be good to print out some info and take it with you.

Here's a good summary, from ScotusBlog, a bog on SC decisions.


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My thoughts remain concerned. This election will be either one huge step forward for FREEDOM or the very last step backwards into SLAVERY !

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This is what they say...."Since the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Civil Rights Division has regularly monitored elections in the field in jurisdictions around the country to protect the rights of voters. The Civil Rights Division will also take complaints from the public nationwide regarding possible violations of the federal voting rights laws through its call center. The Civil Rights Division enforces the federal voting rights laws that protect the rights of all citizens to access the ballot."

If any of this is TRUE? Why is there so much FRAUD in our Voting System? It's a LIE.

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I always voted early but this time, my husband and I are voting on Election Day. I feel so much pride nd honor doing my part in winning back our country and from this day going forward, I plan to continue my part in making sure we never lose our country again! We must KEEP AMERICA GREAT this time going forward! 🙏🔥😎👊🏻🇺🇸

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YEA!!!! Can't wait to vote tomorrow!!! God Speed to all of you!

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An absolute massacre is what we will see tomorrow. Let's be honest with ourselves though, we are swinging swords against an enemy swinging a bag of dildos. And the bag has a hole in it. The "election miracles" of the past were cut throat acts of power that did intimidate and deter conservatives from fighting back. Those weapons and tactics have run out clearly, the blue check marks are the popular kids in high school who can barely hold on to a job at a 7-11.

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What's left of the DNC base are just really dumb people mixed with senior citizens too gone to change. Remember all the arrows in Nancy's Quiver? Whoever replaced the arrows with Q-tips and bags of dildos deserves the credit, high fives, and free beers at the bar....our fight is just beginning

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Georgia is deep red but captured. We either get CCP CONTROLLED Schmuck Kemp or The portly gap tooth Marxist Abrams. Lose/lose.

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Lol thats terrible but so funny

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Lets go.

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Elon is a rational scientific thinking kind of person ... most of the time. Sometimes he is just cute. The world gives a lot of credence to his comments when actually, in my opinion, Biden himself and Prez Obama are the ones I believe independents are squinting their eyes at due to their recent comments. I paraphrase: Get off your tik tok and go vote ... we will do away with fracking and coal in West Virginia. (No matter about jobs, cost of items or if citizens freeze because there is no fuel). Then there is Manchen from West Virginia acting like he is surprised Biden said this, so much so MSNBC said - Say what? Yup my money is on Democrats to swing independent voters!! Go vote! Secure our border! Give a slow down to communism. Put Americans to work! We all want to save the world. Do we really have to eat bugs to do it? Isn’t that what opossums, Nicole Kidman and anteaters do? Cant we love the baby human as much as a bear cub or puppy?

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EM the Baphomet worshipper? He's KM and being groomed for NWO 2024 leader.

Be careful.

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I know the really smart people are on Clandestine .. will you tell me what you just said? Type slowly for non-techied.

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Musk Things to look up:

Neura-link AI brain interface,

Satan worship baphomet tribute halloween costume

Khasarian Mafia World Economic Form

He's a Deep State flipper to the White Hat side, or a

KM plant Prophet to lull the Normies.

He ain't no Savior.

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Thank you. That was kind of you. The only savior is Jesus. (I paraphrase .The artist van Gogh stated) the only real magic is Jesus’ . Interesting? - But to let the mega players mix it up is good - to allow a one thought human hating gang monopolize the air waves and courts can only end in destruction of reasonable civilization. I like to see a good challenger to these narcissistic human haters. Nicole Kidman, and other hollywood actors are promoting humans to stop consuming vegetables and meat. She and her cohorts want us to eat a bug based diet. This is devilish. I am so glad a tiny light of truth is being shined on these anti-human and anti-God ideas. I agree to be wary. Biblically, look snd learn. Keep what is good, discard the bad. Like shucking corn. Bless you tonight with good rest.

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I’m glad I live on a sailboat. We do have the option of mobility and sailing away, although there are not many places in the North Atlantic Basin that are safe and will let us in (being unjabbed).

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EM Khasarian Mafia being groomed for Pres 2024. MF will cease to exist, or, as the serpents they are, in a pit, far far away.

The hunters become the hunted.

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The no such thing as the "Khazarian Mafia". Try reading some actual history. All the narrative online about is just made up.

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Prove your claim.

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I don't have to prove anything to you. You are the one tossing out absurd, unverifiable theories because you are a Jew-hater.

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Just saw your recent comments on Telegram about needing more from Trump and the White Hats. Sorry to hear that some would question your loyalty. Sigh...

You and I are on the same wavelength. If you'd be interested in helping a fellow Anon find his audience, check out my latest on my Substack and share if you think it's good. Thanks! Clarence.


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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022

They have SHUT DOWN THE VOTING MACHINES! They say that they'll catch up in later, in the night, when they can slip in their MILLIONS of fraudulent Ballots. Did the National Guard do this? Is that why they were sent to only 14 states? How can the Machines be down at all? Aren't they all just plugged into electric? And not plugged into the INTERNET? What the HELL are these TRAITORS doing? Winning again. Since we did nothing in 2020, why shouldn't they do it again! LOL! Obviously it didn't really matter in 2020. OR we'd have risen up and put them all in PRISON as soon as the FRAUD came out.

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The soap opera of American politics has degraded to the point where we can all see the bricks at the back of the theatre. The only question is when will the bankers board up the banks and slither back into whatever Hell hole they came from: https://emeralddb3.substack.com/p/democrats-prepare-to-run-the-2020?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=263063&post_id=83184922&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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