At this point in time I find it hard to believe that the U.S. has the creditability to justify any action before the eyes of the rest of the world.

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Believe me. Most of us don't want a war.

I was in my late teens, when Vietnam became a thing.

MY GREAT, AND GREAT-GREAT Grands will not fight in ELITE'S WARS

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I agree with you, it didn't take long to understand after a tour of duty to just what these wars are really about and then to find out just how much your own government doesn't give a damn about any of us.

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Vietnam was a Shithole , Elsie. I survived by the Grace of God.

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I dated a Marine that served in Nam.

He didn't stick around. Wish he would have.

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If you became fond of him, I wish he had for you as well, Elsie.

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Thank you.

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Of course. My pleasure.

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I was in my early teens and kept asking why we couldn’t win a war anymore??? My uncle died there, a helicopter pilot.🤨

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I am sorry for you and your families loss, know that he is and will not ever be forgotten.

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Thank you.

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My sincere sympathy to you and your family

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Thank you.

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I am with your great ones. I have seen many conflicts in my life and they never bring any satisfaction. I was a kid for Viet Nam and the elites made the money and the young men were put in harms way for this money on both sides. Maybe its time for war against the elites? But, isn't that what gave rise to communism?

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No idea. It is the devil's purview

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I'm sure Ursula the witch already knew and Xi was just letting her know he knew.....yet another sleazy slime ball no one voted for.

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That's over a year ago and it didn't work. Tough titties bad guys, you can't world war your way out of this shit anymore...

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That’s more evidence of the sovereign alliance; that’s a good thing. God bless you, Clandestine.🙏

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I concur with your analysis. The rest of the world is on to the West. It has identified the enemy. It is us. The sanctimonious West.

From the beach...


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I realize we are all rethinking our attitude towards Russia. I would call Putin more levelheaded than most but now this? If it is true well we have a new thing to consider. Also if true I must commend Xi and his restraint.

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For sure.

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Ain't that dumb anymore

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First, tell exactly what operations were tried. Are they verifiable? Enough of this vague shell game both sides play. What about China's invasion of Taiwan's air space by Chinese aircraft? This has been on the news multiple times. It's like having kids again. She hit me first!

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