Everything you write here is correct, with one exception. Russia is not the enemy of the United States. Russia is the enemy of the globalist pedovor psychopath deep state.

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I agree.

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I really don't understand the two dimensional approach people take towards Putin. He removed the K- Mafia and pushed back on NATO years ago. He is cleaning up the mess that our deep state made and is advancing the GCR with BRICS. He cut the cord on Ukraine - Washington money laundering. I can go on. We are in debt to Putin and Russia for doing the heavy lifting and bringing stability back to the countries along it's borders. I think the hatred is coming directly from the pervs and crooks being shut down for good.

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What you've said is I think the reason BRICS was created so that there is some sort of fairness between member populations unlike the western system that feeds the rich and leaves everyone else destitute and slaving away in a poverty they can never escape from

The more I see and read about President Putin the more I want him to take over as President of England - English Constitution allows for a constitutional monarchy or a president - I think it would be spot on

Thank you Clandestine

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He can take over the USA too! At least he cares about his People and his Sovereign Country!

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I agree, Putin and Russia are not our enemy. The globalist “elites” are. Love your articles, they are very informative and well written- keep up the good work!

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We know the Deep State has been planning world dominance & mass deaths for a long time now and part of laying that groundwork down is to vilify Russia. I wonder if those nuclear war drills of hiding underneath our desks at school was all a part of the brainwashing. Anyway, knowing what we know NOW about the DS, I have absolutely NO problem believing what Putin says. We already know it's true. Great article as usual. 👍👍👍

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Putin and Russians are exactly the same as us. Once you understand the system we either repent and fight back or allow ourselves to be seduced. Everyone on earth is a potential legendary patriot but they must choose that path. Anyone who benefits our movement has my respect. One other point which may annoy a few. I believe we are going through the second side of the triangle Q clearly mentioned 1 as it’s collapse was the first in history. This side is, big pharma, big tech, MSM, Government and big business and many more the last will be the families and the central banking system. A massive change of good is coming. Peace patriots this is not an easy raid, United not divided.

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Wondering if this is a concerted effort to thwart the DS in Ukraine with Putin at the spearhead.

Countries complicit in NWO efforts are not united on behalf of Ukraine - individual NATO & EU countries are not upholding sanctions & have no follow through with weapons. Most of the world is neutral & the US has no success in bullying anyone into sanctions against Russia. BRICS is a great chess move; the addition of Argentina, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey makes it more solid. Other new member countries include UAE, Uruguay and Bangladesh.

More UN member countries are demanding an investigation into the US Biolabs in Ukraine and around the world. Nuremberg Code reference to violations of the Convention on Biological/Chemical Weapons. Deny, deny, deny is not going to fly.

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No wondering necessary. And I think, even though people think I'm nuts, that Xi is going to do the same thing next in Taiwan. The Swamp is Deep and Wide President Trump said,....much more so than we all thought. This is the beginning of the Deep Cleaning of the Globalist Swamp CREATURES.

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Girl...we are on the same page regarding Xi!

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I wish people could get over the brainwashed idea that Putin is evil. After watching Oliver Stone’s documentary on him, I saw him in a different light but I knew before watching it that he’s not what we’ve been led to believe. Just another DS lie.

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I’ve yet to see any hard evidence to support the “Putin is evil” statement. He began in a low level job (cab driver) and worked his way up through a system — like most Americans. He is extremely pro family, and appears to be devout (Russian Orthodox), positions which are about as far from Marxism as you can get.

I’ve read many of his speeches since the “special operation” began, and I am struck by how much he sounds like an American conservative. He seems broadly educated with a good grip on the state of the world.

It didn’t take me long to join team Putin once the military action started. Ukraine is a monument to the US administrative state’s criminality and arrogance — an embarrassment and a disgrace to what the US should represent — it’s been reduced to who’s blackmailing whom. With our money.

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He is speaking truth. If you do the homework you can see far beyond the propaganda of our present media & politicians. Seek truth & you can see it in the craziest of places!!

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Putin is the only sane leader on the world stage right now. Ever since he and Trump met privately on Air Force One in Helsinki, where I believe they planned everything out to the fine details to take down the death cult trying to destroy humanity, I think they’ve been working together. Hillary still can’t stop talking about the fact that no one knows what Trump and Putin talked about then. It was a brilliant move.

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I remember years ago he stopped the United States from adopting Russian children. I think he knew back then they were adopting them for nefarious reasons.

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I absolutely agree, Clandestine.

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Clandestine... This is good stuff. I don't know where you are getting Putin's speech, if it's easily accessible to us. Links would be helpful. Or a partial transcript. I understand, only so much time available to do this work. But, good or bad, we are pretty dependent on your reporting. Whether you realize it or not, you are rising as a beacon of true news that really matters. That could be a tagline... "True News That Really Matters." So, that transcript you mentioned, or a link to an English translation of his speech, wold be pretty awesome. We look for your articles, I think all of us, with great anticipation, like a glass of water in a very dry place. I'm not a total "normie", but I have that time constraint and "lazy bastardism" that pervades the normie populace. Basically, I need more of your water. A bigger glass, more often. "Damnit, C, get to it. Are you fucking lazy or what?" Ha ha. Now, that's my asshole Normie talking'... (If it helps, I am a paid subscriber... Your work is stellar and deserves financial recognition. Anyone reading this comment for free... Pay Up! We need "C" and more like him/her.)

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This link doesn’t work for me. It says the page doesn’t exist.

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The DS Titanic hit the iceberg a while ago. Nothing can stop it going down.

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I agree! I'm not Russia fan, but obviously he and China and Trump do not want a NWO and neither do I!! When GHWB said a new world order in 1989 and thousand points of light who knew what he meant. Not that it mattered election wise since he and every President tl Trump where NWO so ur screwed either way!

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So I remember the Soviet Union being allies with the US in the last war. I understand we tried to stop communism in WWI. But GERMANY has been the world’s enemy always. As well they should be with their crazy Nazi asses. I am getting over my instinct of mistrust of Mr P because I do believe he is helping US and struggling with the idea that WE really are the bad guys here. I distrust Chyna most of all and every now and then read something saying Chyna is on Russia’s side. That would make both our enemies according to history but in today’s world, make at least Mr P our friend.

ANYONE who is willing to use their strength to destroy bioweapons and world domination by evil sick and twisted people is our ALLY. We know this. We SEE this. We feel this. Yet, there’s that doubt. Well I say if the ones that refuse to listen to the truth whether it comes from Mr T or Mr P chose to ignore it, that’s on them. I guarantee you they will be the first ones to crow about ‘I told you’. It’s one of those things in the shadows that you can’t really say out loud although I HAVE that you agree Mr P is one of the good guys in this war. Just look at how WE have blacked out all this so our people can not hear it. It’s like the deep state has their fingers in our ears making us yell over Hunter’s porn pictures so we CAN’T hear it. I hope P keeps banging on, I hope it’s YELLED at full volume in everyone’s faces (you know, like the trans agenda we’re so sick of and the J6 bullshit). This entire admin has been nothing but tyrannical and anyone who can’t see THAT is blind. And it’s right there not even trying to hide. It’s dressing it up and walking it down the street. So, I’m gonna continue to believe Mr P is helping the people of the world and are going against these evil DNC families. He better get louder bc the banshee of the house is going to Taiwan to do the same thing they did in UKR. The cover up. And it always gets ya. Let’s PRAY it does. They gotta get outta this place if it’s the last thing they ever do. Maybe this is why the ending isn’t for everyone…. Please God let me live to see these cretins swing.

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