If the deep state finds a way to get Kackles "elected," this proposal will sound more appealing.

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Oh man! If I wasn’t 65 and totally disabled I would definitely go! If I was younger and wanted to start a family and get excellent education with morals you bet I would go.

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This is almost appealing and may be more attractive if the cackling racist hen steals this election, If the election actually happens.

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You know how horrible the Western World is becoming when we actually consider this a possibility.

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That he is and he has also proven that the cabal exists….in the west, HQ is DC. Nazis all. God bless and protect the Alliance’s leaders as the cabal’s death throes will be very dangerous for patriots the world over.🙏🙏

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Lol man they're is some beautiful land people fishing Hunting up they're 🙏🙏🙏

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Wow! I’ve been joking about wanting to relocate to Russia for about two years now, and especially after Tucker went and showed us what it really like! If Trump doesn’t win, I’m in!

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Just the thought of moving to Russia right now gets me pretty excited. I know I can't just up and go that easy but wouldn't it be great? Our current government is trying so hard to kill us or at least keep us under their total control. If so much wasn't invested into turning it around, I would have to take Putin up on his generous offer.

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A worthy exploration, folks.

From the beach....


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How frikin sad is it when Russia offers "free citizenship" and you go " hmmmmm .... I hear Russa is nice this time of the year". Rumor has it that they are turning all the gulags into B&B's.

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