I can't help liking this man. He is certainly one of the few real leaders in the current world. I don't think he started out this way, but something changed within him or he is just a different man.

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Deep state trolling us with kabala -- we know she's stupid, they know we know she's stupid,

And Putin knows we know the deep satanic state knows we know.

Gotta love uncensored social media and,

Big hugs Mr. Putin and CIC Trump.

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My respect for him grows daily.

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My respect for the members of this group grows seeing how many agree with our assessment. Just wish more of the sleepers would awaken and believe their eyes instead of the lying mass media.

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Excellent information. I love itl

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I was hoping Putin said he was endorsing Kamala to throw them off since the deep state was going to say Russia interfered in the election so they could not certify it.

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I gather that though Putin is a kleptocrat he and autocrat he is not a war monger.

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As long as we have corporate rulers (so-called "government") there will be kleptocrats and autocrats, but at least it is better to have one who is intelligent, competent, and cares about his country and his people. We have neither.

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The chess master!

From the beach....


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