"The goal of that part of the West is to weaken, divide and ultimately destroy our country. They are saying openly now that in 1991 they managed to split up the Soviet Union and now is the time to do the same to Russia, which must be divided into numerous regions that would be at deadly feud with each other." This is what the elites ha…
"The goal of that part of the West is to weaken, divide and ultimately destroy our country. They are saying openly now that in 1991 they managed to split up the Soviet Union and now is the time to do the same to Russia, which must be divided into numerous regions that would be at deadly feud with each other." This is what the elites have done to England. Why? To destroy common law jurisdictions. Common law = freedom. Administrative law = full state control.
Think about FEMA regions in USA. . . what are they? where did they come from? What authority? 9/11 Patriot Act ? FEMA regions. . . .
You must follow Clif High too! He said the same thing. I'll post a link to his video about Narridigm about LAW. https://www.bitchute.com/video/nTuQoDQt23hf/ It goes into the Common Law, Admiralty Law (Maritime Law) and Statutory LAW. And the LAW of WAR. He talks about how FEMA was created by the ELITE who control DC. DC is their own little Democratic Country. They want to take over our Constitutional Republic. If they can get their Federal Emergency Management people to take over every single state in our Union.....under the pretext of say Marshal Law if they say we are starting a Civil War.....they will control the whole Country! We will lose our Country! This is why we must stay calm and peaceful. We will give them no excuse to put the Country under a lock down and FEMA Control. We will Trust the Plan. (I hope there is a plan!)
The Left did it. We trusted the Left to lighten up the class-warfare model without war: socialism as Social Democracy but they failed. Miserably. Instead they brought in the divisive policies of divide and rule but under different headings: Scots/Welsh independents v. British loyalist, Labour Zionist v Labour old-school PLO supporters (even Gerald Kaufman was cancelled!!) ... Middle-Class Univ. Academics v middle-class middle-Englanders, on and on. The final straw was converting our black Brits into confused self-conscious BLM supporters with a load of snotty-nosed woke whites on board!! Suddenly we found ourselves called Racists everywhere!! Yeah, the EU Globalists did it —Brits not so sure ...
Well, they didn't actually fail- they accomplished pretty much exactly what they set out to do (of course, they didn't tell US that). But they are about to fail where it counts, and miserably. They won many of the battles- but we won the war. We are not going to wind up in mother WEFer Wonderland, as they planned.
I read that much of the FEMA concentration camps and related logistics was put into place by Obummer, no doubt with considerable advice and influence by the Bushwhackers. But I guess we will know soon enough.
"The goal of that part of the West is to weaken, divide and ultimately destroy our country. They are saying openly now that in 1991 they managed to split up the Soviet Union and now is the time to do the same to Russia, which must be divided into numerous regions that would be at deadly feud with each other." This is what the elites have done to England. Why? To destroy common law jurisdictions. Common law = freedom. Administrative law = full state control.
Think about FEMA regions in USA. . . what are they? where did they come from? What authority? 9/11 Patriot Act ? FEMA regions. . . .
You must follow Clif High too! He said the same thing. I'll post a link to his video about Narridigm about LAW. https://www.bitchute.com/video/nTuQoDQt23hf/ It goes into the Common Law, Admiralty Law (Maritime Law) and Statutory LAW. And the LAW of WAR. He talks about how FEMA was created by the ELITE who control DC. DC is their own little Democratic Country. They want to take over our Constitutional Republic. If they can get their Federal Emergency Management people to take over every single state in our Union.....under the pretext of say Marshal Law if they say we are starting a Civil War.....they will control the whole Country! We will lose our Country! This is why we must stay calm and peaceful. We will give them no excuse to put the Country under a lock down and FEMA Control. We will Trust the Plan. (I hope there is a plan!)
No, I have seen Cliff High before but don't follow his videos. England is regionalised. EU and Brits did it.
The Left did it. We trusted the Left to lighten up the class-warfare model without war: socialism as Social Democracy but they failed. Miserably. Instead they brought in the divisive policies of divide and rule but under different headings: Scots/Welsh independents v. British loyalist, Labour Zionist v Labour old-school PLO supporters (even Gerald Kaufman was cancelled!!) ... Middle-Class Univ. Academics v middle-class middle-Englanders, on and on. The final straw was converting our black Brits into confused self-conscious BLM supporters with a load of snotty-nosed woke whites on board!! Suddenly we found ourselves called Racists everywhere!! Yeah, the EU Globalists did it —Brits not so sure ...
Well, they didn't actually fail- they accomplished pretty much exactly what they set out to do (of course, they didn't tell US that). But they are about to fail where it counts, and miserably. They won many of the battles- but we won the war. We are not going to wind up in mother WEFer Wonderland, as they planned.
LOL- before you can trust the plan, I think you have to first BELIEVE there is a plan- not just hope. Be not afraid, only believe!
I read that much of the FEMA concentration camps and related logistics was put into place by Obummer, no doubt with considerable advice and influence by the Bushwhackers. But I guess we will know soon enough.