Would be a no brainer if the West had sane leadership. So sad, let's hope we are making headway against these parasitical psychopaths.

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Putin's proposal looks reasonable to me, but Biden has left the building. I hope America can make it to November.

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Very well said. You always hit the mark on this subject.

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Way too much common sense for the warmongering , money laundering West. Who dont actually want peace.

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But the rank & file citizens do….they outnumber the evil ones by many factors.

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The cabal has used the ‘freedom-loving’ west to create forever wars, create money laundering proxy states (and MUCH more than money), conducted coups and developed bio weapons against humanity, and so much more. The true enemy is the criminal, highly connected cabal and its minions, not Russia.

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Common sense solution. EU, NATO and clueless FJB have no sense, common or otherwise.

From the beach...


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I don't know what you're smokin but send me some. My father in-law was one of the best salesmen (salesperson) I ever saw. He told me more than once to always ask for away more than you'll settle for. You may get lucky, and the buyer really wants it and will pay your asking price. If not, you have room to barter and you will look like a great guy for accepting less.

Obviously, Putin knew my father-in-law too.

You can't waltz in and denazify a country that held the Nazi belief before WW2. It's like making policemen take a couple of classes on race relations and expect them to look at people and see no color. You have to start the training young and keep reinforcing the message. Just like the Nazi's did to the Hiter Youth.

The Ukraine was nuclear free until 2014 when the Russians started fu..ing with them. Many people point to that as the reason Russia felt it was ok to take the parts of Ukraine they wanted.

"After the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, Canada,[29] France, Germany, Italy, Japan,[30] the UK,[31] and the US[32][33] stated that Russian involvement was a breach of its Budapest Memorandum obligations to Ukraine and in violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity."

On and on it goes.

It's time for a counteroffer.

This is a long process, so get your cheese twisties and Mountain Dew.

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