Let us pray this occurs. GOD is good! Bring it on Sky Chief! Make it so, we 🙏.

From the beach....


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Indeed! We need to make sure the evil is prevented from ever running our country again; waiting for the justice stage….

Blessings, Clandestine.🙏🙏

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Amen. AMEN!!!

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This is good and true, I will pull up on any unnecessary humor. It's Trump or Bust...

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Refreshing and positive news with potentially great results to be seen.

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That's the right thing to do. I hope Trump gives JFK, Jr. tools to do some clean up.

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Sept 18 2018

Nicole Shanahan President Bia-Echo, a Population Control think tank,

previously married to

Sergey Brin- [GOOG Founder]

(BORN IN MOSCOW) was married to...

Anne Wojcicki - 23andMe [Founder]

Was brother-in-law to...

Susan Wojcicki - CEO of youtube


CUE knew?

Who IS the plant in RFK Jr. Campaign

Nicole "They've even planted insiders into our campaign to disrupt it, and to create actual legal issues for us."


is the plant Nicole?

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Do you resesrch this sh^t? Or do you blindly promote moles?,

Or, WHO's lane are you promoting?

Asking b4 I continue to financialyy support your work.

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Smart move there is a place for RFK Jr along with Trump.

Now we need to get Tulsi on board as vice not Vance 2.0.

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However, Gabbard is a lie. She's a Young Global Leader and she'll give her voters the same WEF garbage the rest of them do:

YGLs are "rethinking the world around them and operating as a force for good to overcome barriers that elsewhere stand in the way of progress." Notable YGL alumni include Ashton Kutcher, Ivanka Trump, Tulsi Gabbard, Tom Cotton, Nate Silver, and Chelsea Clinton.

Umm, Where was Tulsi when Lahaina Was Fire Bombed?

Why hasn't she spoken

When her people were massacred?

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Yes, so RFKjr needs to endorse Trump. More importantly, he needs to take an active and positive role in his administration. Anything else supports Satan’s deep state.

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Yes! And provide the much-needed platform tweak post-election if not before of

withdrawal from the WHO, etc. and Covid Clot Shot instigator criminal prosecution!!!

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Make him Attorney General!

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So this back-n-forth with RFKjr & DJT was/is a "distraction"...."the enemy of my enemy is my friend." An alliance that can and will "reform" the 2-party system

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