Correct. His only saving grace was that he may have been Trumps VP... those who thought he'd end up being another Pence are probably correct. Only 5 months left of this sh*t show. Praying that we aren't doing 2020 all over again but expecting a different result. I still believe there wont be a "regular " election at all. Fingers and toes crossed.

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Can't imagine anyone thinking of RFK Jr. other than far left. On most issues, he's interchangeable with Biden. Trump pointed out RFK Jr. former environmental policies advocated for the NE which he called a disaster.

Makes me think of 3 card Monte where the target card is never on the table.

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I believe the Deep State is creating a new Religion. I think that every time they "Persecute" Trump he's gets a bigger following and the Deep State as you call them, know that. It's why they have done it for 8 years! Every time they attack him, the People love him more!

Soon, Trump will have almost the whole Country behind him,....and then he'll win of course,.....they want him to win,......they won't do much fraud, a little to keep up the Appearance that they are scared of him winning. But it's all just theater. Then once he's back they'll fade into the background again,.....controlling him from the shadows. It will look like we WON and he has cleaned out the SWAMP! YEA!!! And he probably will do a lot to clean out the swamp,....but it won't be for us, it will be to keep up the appearance that he's keeping his word. To keep the FAITH of the People in their new Savior.

In reality, the Deep State have created "Trump the Savior of America and the planet" specifically to bring in a kinder, gentler Global Reset. He will be the one to bring in the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT....and the people who believe in him will follow him any where. (I'm not religious, but isn't this the one they call The Anti Christ in the bible?).

The elite will have created a new Religion,...."Follow the Gourd! Follow the Sandel! No, Follow the Trump!" Monty Python saw it all so well didn't they! LOL!

These elites know what they are doing, they've done it so many times! They must have their GREAT RESET their currency is done. They must get their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT in,.....and Savior Trump is the man to do it! When he does it, it will look so beautiful.....and get an amazing name too. Like a 'Color' Revolution or an Arab 'Spring!'.....the Rebirth of America! Like a Phoenix Rising from the Ashes! LOL. They'll come up with something beautiful.

And you know what? Maybe it has to be this way,.....maybe Trump can do it without the horror show that Yuval Noah Harari and Klaus Schwab were telling us was our FUTURE. We'll see. And if we are going to join the Galactic Council soon, we might need a spokesperson for our Planet, aka The One World Government. That doesn't really mean we won't have Countries. There will just be a few people at the top who deal with the 'global issues'. And Trump will be good at that Job,.....he'll see to it that the Aliens don't bully us too much.

I'm sure a lot of Die Hard Trump Followers (I was one for almost 8 years!) will hate me for saying this, but his sending $95 Million to Israel and Ukraine (New Jerusalem) and continuing to push the mRNA shots while millions die around the world kind of ruins his Image of "Make America Great Again" for me. And I have 2 MAGA Hats!

That money being stolen from WE the PEOPLE and sent to ISRAEL? His standing next to the Traitor Johnson, as they agree to do that,......The SPELL IS BROKEN! The Emperor has no CLOTHES.

Trump is the "Snake" in his own story! But maybe that bite won't hurt too much!

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He’s not the savior; just the individual working with many (unidentified) to bring this evil down. He’s gifted by God especially for this role…..the people will force the next administration to return to the constitutional roots. Jesus is the savior and one can wholeheartedly support Trump without thinking for a second that he’s a savior. He’s a catalyst! Blessings.🙏

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Of course … he’s already put his money where his mouth is…and is still doing this every day!

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If I didn't know better I would say this sounds planned! Lmao

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