Mmmmmm actually,,,, Trumps persona was always a bit of an act. Watching old videos of him you can tell,, this is his showman act. Its to keep the media dialed in on him... and now,, that he has the attention of the American people with inflation, border crisis, world war 3 he can now be the REAL Trump. Game over deep state, just like God, we’ve already won.

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It shows how two guys who don’t agree on everything can come together as leader to steer the American in what they believe in. Its time for the deep state to go!!!

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Once he’s elected he can begin housecleaning and removing the need to set traps for the enemies of the country.

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Many already set,,,

Will be interested if executive order 13848 is continued when it expires the beginning of September,,,

Trump set many traps, most of his court cases were traps,, will become glorious boomerangs

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