57%of his voters is how many though ??? With that liberal lefty running mate he’s zero threat to Trump . Less than zero. The very small minority of republicans not voting for DJT know a vote for RFK is a vote lost . Same for the demonRats. A vote for RFK is a vote lost .

That’s why RFK is pushing that theory … and why we shouldn’t. It’s BS.

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The fear and presumptions are manufactured to pass as reality when there is nothing realistic about the scenario. Trump will get at least 80% of all votes. There is no path for a biden victory and whatever votes rfk scrapes together will be from people who hate this country anyways. To even suggest that biden is a threat is laughable considering the USD lost it's place as the worlds reserve currency, our GDP is down significantly, and all the major cities are a complete wreck. I'm supposed to believe half of the voters are gonna show up with amnesia in november and not vote for Trump? That's some fantasyland bullsh#t...

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The is 110% unadulterated bull crap. All statistics this year are completely fabricated except what you see. And 100K people showed up in NJ to see Orange Man Rad.. RFKJr hurts Biden, but not as much as Biden hurts Biden.

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May 14·edited May 14

I have a tough time accepting that people who would vote for Trump see RFK Jr. as a better alternative. Yes I find reason to doubt RFK's assertion about his internal polling.

RFK's VP pick is Nicole Shanahan, who has previously donated $4 million to the SuperPAC supporting RFK Jr and given thousands of dollars to the Soros funded progressives in politics and activism circles. Also Shanahan was previously married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin.

RFK Jr. is reportedly paying right-wing “influencers” to steer favorable opinion of him as a safe Republican alternative to President Donald Trump [***}. This paid “influencer” approach mirrors the activity by Ron DeSantis in his failed (currently suspended) bid to win the GOP nomination, and it would appear some of the same characters are participating.

*** https://freebeacon.com/elections/robert-f-kennedy-jr-hires-former-ramaswamy-official-for-tiktok-influencer-campaign/

IMHO, it does not seem rational that hard leftists who would vote the RFK-Shanahan ticket would ever support Trump, since he has clearly demonstrated his pro-MAGA aversion to leftwing policies and political alignments.

That said, PDJT *does* need to keep his margins above the level that can be breached with plausible deniability by the various methods of election fraud that were used in Nov 2020.

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What countermeasures will the Trump campaign likely use….other than his liberal policies. He’s spot in with the vaccines; but this is an issue case. Plus, are we sure he’s pulling away Trump voters or is it dem moderates that still suffer from the Trump derangement syndrome? Serious question.

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Tho I am a 100% Trumper I listen to all the candidates. When I heard RFK agree with some interviewer that he would agree with abortion at term, that did it. Nothing he says or does will erase the self inflicted wound of condoning infanticide - to say I am profoundly disappointed is an understatement.

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Have you watched this video by RFK Jr? https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1786816692611592223 The fact that Bobby opens it with a series of slanderous attacks by the MSM (who we know are mouthpieces of the DS) would indicate how terrified the DS is of Bobby preventing BIDEN from winning. If they thought Bobby was more of a threat to Trump, they wouldn't be trying to discredit him but rather would be welcoming his challenge. This just might be a good time to see where the MSM stands vis-á-vis Bobby.

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The NYT has been doing a series of hit pieces on Bobby. Here is one of their two latest ones on May 8th in which they discuss the possible consequences of part of Bobby's brain having been eaten by a parasite.


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That may be RFK Jr.'s claim, but a recent poll shows something a little different. What evidence is there for this negative for Trump? Frankly, until RFK Jr. chose a rather unpalatible running mate I have been tempted to give him a lot more support. If President Trump chooses an equally unimpressive VP my feelings may become even more lukewarm toward him. I have always suspected that Pres. Trump had a more powerful support system with important elements of the military supporting his bid and RFK Jr. being more vulnerable to the kind of treatment his father and uncle received from the controllers.

From The Daily Wire:

New surveys conducted by The New York Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Siena College show former President Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden in five of six swing states.

In a two-man race between Trump and Biden, Trump leads 51-38% among likely voters; by a whopping 13 points 51-38% in Nevada; six points 49-43% in Arizona; nine points 50-41% in Georgia; three points in Pennsylvania 48-45%; and one point in Wisconsin 47-46%; while Biden clings to a one-point margin in Michigan.

When third-party candidates such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. were included, Trump’s lead soared to nine points in Arizona, to 14 in Nevada, and stayed almost the same at eight points in Georgia.

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I disagree. MAGA isn't going to dessert Trump for a guy who primarily runs on his family name and with a left wing Looney as his running mate. But fringe Democrats might abandon Biden for RFK Jr. Did you see the latest rally in New Jersey?

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Just promise him a job in Trumps admin. Like take Fauci's spot.

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This is a reality we can’t continue to ignore? So what’s your solution?

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More importantly the millions of illegals that O’Biden is giving voter registration information to. Those illegals don’t know that if they vote & get caught it’s a felony and a deportable offense. If Biden cheats to a win with them he will just give them amnesty. THIS IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM.

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It's a serious problem to the extent we believe what we're being told about how Biden is treating the illegals. For those who've been paying attention, Joe Biden, Obama's VP, was arrested, tried and executed via military tribunal and his military funeral was held in front of everybody's eyes on the day of his "inauguration." Only problem is, most people didn't know what they were watching. And this has been the theme of the past four years. NOTHING is as it seems.

For starters, the Biden we have had since 2020 is one of up to three different actors designed to wake people up to the fact that they've been grossly manipulated and deceived by our government for eons. And the primary tools of such deception have been to work in the shadows dividing and conquering thru the creation of ANGER and FEAR on all sides.

Which all begs the question, how much of what "Biden" has signed as POTUS carries any legal weight, given the guy's an actor...or 2 or 3? I guess that'll all come out in the wash.

Trump's base is huge and growing larger with every attempt of his DS enemies to destroy him. All one has to do is watch video coverage of his rallies. What better way to bring his supporters to their knees than with articles such as that of the Gateway Pundit noted above? But even the Pundit exposed its naiveté with this... "And of course, no one needs to read or speak English. Conveniently, they can all vote in Spanish." Right. That's assuming criminals, terrorists and the world’s poverty-stricken are literate in ANY language, including Spanish. It also assumes all of the illegals are of Hispanic origin. Which they aren't, according to folks who've interacted with them. And with their criminal background, who would ever believe they'd turn up for some government sanctioned procedure no matter how much they're bribed, when all their experience with governmental agencies have led to their being arrested? And if they're really being treated so generously and lavishly, why are property and personal crime rates skyrocketing, especially in states such as CA and NY who've rolled out a red-carpet welcome for them? I live in an area of California where we have not one but three heavily armed cartels running roughshod over people's properties and the sheriffs are unable to do anything about them.

I'm confident that the folks working on behalf of Trump, including the military, are well aware of all of the challenges the illegals pose to this country, including their so-called ability to vote. And that they have developed contingency plans to contain them. I also realize such plans must be kept in extreme confidence, for obvious reasons.

Fortunately, exponentially increasing numbers of folks are realizing that nothing, but NOTHING is as it seems. The cover's been blown on the DS need to work in the shadows and there's nothing the DS can do about it.

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My old boss used to say "give me enough data and I'll prove anything." Seems still to be true.

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Off the topic...Just in... Murderous shots in Sarajevo (sorry Slovakia) - a prelude to WW3🧟

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