Sadly these accusations are all too believable. The enemies of Russia are not really the American people, at least not the sane and aware ones. It is with our greatest enemy. I hate to say it, but if their war should take down the deep state and our criminal so called "government" it might be doing the rest of us a big favor. May God defend and shelter the relatively righteous and ethical people who are laboring under this corrupt regime.

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It's tensions between Russia and the biden administration. Not Russia and America, nobody is going to fight in a kinetic war for biden. We all know who will squash this garbage the moment he is back in office. Let's make it happen...

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Who would have thunk we would all support Pootin against the demonrats... and more and more are joining us. What a time to be alive !!!!!

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Burisma Holdings, with Hunter Biden and CIA Cofer Black on the Board of Directors seems to be a CIA cut-out. Burisma funded and worked hand-in-hand with the Atlantic Council which is loaded with high level US ex-diplomats, State Dept officials and intelligence directors. This is extremely disturbing because Russia has concluded there is a link between the terrorist attacks on innocent civilians and the Burisma/CIA/Atlantic Council triumvirate. America has strayed so far from its original formation and the founders' idea of a republic that we are now at the precipice. And we haven't even reached the folly of the election.



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No surprise. All of this is connected. Same old playbook on the cabal’s part. Countermeasures.

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President Trump:

"Before this is over it will be like they (obama et al)

never existed".

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You bet. We all suspected the regime of the attack on Russia. They would rather vaporize us all than face tribunals.

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I’m sorry, but it was never a credible explanation that “ISIS” attacked that building in Moscow. I’m not sure that ours even credible that the Chechens did it a decade or so earlier…although that incident is clearly what Nuland and others are using to push this ISIS narrative today.

Then…there is the so called foiled ISIS attack in Idaho, which is nothing more than a failed retaliation by Moscow on the face of it.

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