Unfortunately it certainly appears that way and the deep state will do anything to stay in power.

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Yes, they do and that’s exactly why they will fail. Putin has steel in his character and he won’t get pulled into Obama’s trap…..or, the bumbling fool’s either.

Men of character vs the cabal’s low IQ minions. God bless you, Clandestine, for sharing your insights with us.🙏

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I was born in 1987. How much of what I’ve been told in my life about the USSR/Russia is actually true?

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I’m betting almost nothing at all….

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Unfortunately you are correct

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I was born in 1961 and lived through the cold war. It was real and the things you have been told are true but they have turned into one of the more free countries since that ended. Putin has shown terrific restraint with Ukraine. We know they have the military might to wipe them off the map. He also does not want WW III.

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Agreed. I like Putin. No nonsense leader

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TY Clandestine.

I continue to support your unflagging reporting.

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Any confrontation that occurs will be attributable to the Muslim dude not from Hawaii and his Muppet FJB.

Remember the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution that escalated Vietnam?

And now Senators Blumenthal and Graham want to designate Russia as a terrorist state? And Iran, Senators?

The enemy of peace is the USA.

And $35 trillion and counting.

This will not end well for the USA.

From the beach...


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Of course the US is responsible.You pegged it correctly .The responsibility of this civilian terrorism

is very obvious. They seem to be playing a game .Surely they must know the ramifications of a WWIII.

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I am not sure how many times Pootin will turn the other cheek.... I have no idea how he and Trump are not losing patience with these clowns,. They have done exactly what Pootin warned them not to do. I dont see how he can let this slide. I really don't!

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Every White House adviser in this administration, every Cabinet Secretary and most if not all of the undersecretaries need to be removed, investigated and prosecuted and held incommunicado in GITMO or other secure facility. Obama, Rice, Jarrett, and others need to be tried and convicted of treason and given the ultimate penalty. ‘Dr.’ Jill needs to be convicted of criminal elder abuse, and not let out in public ever again.

I am conflicted regarding slow Pedo Joe: Surely there were times when he was competent and colluding & for those times he should pay, the rest of the time he should be in a secure facility the senile, either way, he should never walk free again.

Neither should Hunter; he is guilty of treason for hire (and higher and higher).

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