What if the Biden administration does not have access to the nuclear facilities, and therefore can't negotiate access to them by Russia? This could well be the case in a devolved structure.

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I don't think this is something that Russia is asking today! I think the USA has never allowed them to actually do the INSPECTIONS in person ever. But you can bet our People went to Russia in PERSON! That's how the Deep State does everything,....one RULE for them,....and different RULES for everyone else and they get to enforce the RULES! And they get away with it time after time because they are the biggest Bullies. I think it's good that this Country is going to be taken down from it's insane POWER TRIP,.....hopefully to the same level as all the rest of the Planet. We have been bullies and tyrants and lies and thieves for a very long time,....it's time for that crap to stop!!!

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Aug 12, 2022
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I trust my Gut. And my Gut says that Dave at X-22 is correct. This is a Global War,....and we are in the middle of it. I'm no Christian really, but I do believe this War is between Good and Evil, which I know exist. There are people fighting on both sides,....and my gut tells me I'm on the side of Good. I don't think we see 1/8th of what is actually going on. Much of it is going on behind the scenes. It has to. So, let yourself "Feel" which side is Good and which side is Evil and choose the one you want to win. Then do the best you can to help other people see that this is a global war, not just an American War. Because people are not seeing the Forest, they are only seeing the Trees. I'm not sure any Elections will fix this crisis,....but I will Vote because my President asked me to Vote. I will go on Social Media and I will try to help others wake up,....Normie's as we call them,....to see the War we are fighting, we are fighting against a group of Crime Families that have been slowly working on this Agenda for 2000 years. Some people have already seen them,....and tried to warn us,.....but we thought they were crazy. We laughed at them. But they were right. And because we didn't listen and act way back to stop them,....they now own, run and control almost all of this planet. I know, we aren't used to seeing the bigger picture,....it's funny because all the movies we love have been about this battle,...Star Wars, Lord of the Rings....so many movies showing us the battle that was to come. The Battle we are in right now. Even C. S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia was about this Epic battle between Good and Evil. So, let you heart or your gut instinct tell you which side is for Good,...and then prepare for hard times ahead, take care of your family and friends,.....and watch the whole WAR as it plays out and think of what these Heads of State are doing from that perspective. And do not listen to the Main stream media....they are simply spewing out what Klaus Schwab wants them to say to push his Nazi World Order. And that NAZI WORLD ORDER hinges completely on a RESET,....not a green planet reset, but a CURRENCY RESET. That is what almost all of these last 2 years has been about. The WEF/Cabal/Globalist/Elite's (can't call them Deep State because they are all over in most countries...not just here), their DEBT NOTE Currency is CRASHING. And they can't get any one to help them RESET it. They wanted a Global Pandemic for cover,....they released their "covid" virus in every country in a matter of days......and if not for the fast (if toxic) vaxes, they would have shut down the planet for years while they kept releasing new variants of their Bioweapon. Keeping us shut down and economically destroyed would have given them a perfect excuse to RESET their Failing Currency Scam. When their plandemic failed, they tried to get WW3 started, using Ukraine and President Putin, who is a friend of President Trumps, and knew what their game plan was. President Putin saved many lives by taking out the Biolabs all over Ukraine,....they were testing these pandemics on the poor people of Ukraine and then spreading them all over the planet. Then they sent Pelosi over to Taiwan,.....even after General Xi told them he'd shoot the plane down if she came! They want WW3 so desperately, they would happily have sacrificed her to get it! But General Xi too is friends with President Trump and did not take the bait. (remember, the People's Republic of China is NOT the CCP. They too, just like us, have 2 warring groups in their Country.) So, since no one would play WW3 with them, so they could RESET their Currency, the Globalists attacked the one man that most of us Patriots love and stand by...President Trump. Why? They wanted to Enrage his Followers,.....and start a CIVIL WAR. They want an excuse to take us all down by calling us Domestic Terrorist. They would then watch our Country destroy itself while they sneak their Currency RESET in under our noses. They need this very badly if they are to continue to CONTROL the PLANET. That is what every thing is about. Global Warming BS, Climate Change BS.....all an excuse to destroy our economy and the Worlds Economy. No fuel, nothing else Everything runs on Energy. Sorry, this got long....and there is so much more I could say! But once again,.....trust yourself, you will know Good from Evil. Prepare for food shortages, prepare for civil unrest in big cities as these things happen all over. The deaths from the shots that Fauci/Birks/Collins etc....already had Patented before the "virus" was spread around the planet,.....they laced it with deadly things that will cause a big Die Off. That's part of Klaus Schwab's agenda. He wants to cull the HERD of humans,....13 out of 14 people need to be removed from the planet according to him. He's a Psychopath. Any way,.....if you watch, you will see the Global War going on around us for the next several years! It's a very BIG SWAMP these White Hats around the world must remove, and they are trying to do it with as few civilian casualties as possible. Not an easy or quick task, this WEF Cancer is EVERYWHERE! And they are spreading LIES every where too! Use your Gut! It's smarter than you brain, brains can be fooled,.....not guts! :)

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Aug 12, 2022
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Yes, I follow Clif and in many ways, trust him the most. Clandestine is second, and Dave ties it together for me in a way that makes sense. Dave features Clandestine often. You should keep in mind, before doubting your Gut because of a relationship with a woman,.....that there is a lot more going on in that situation and your brain can get fooled really easily by hormones and passion! :) That doesn't mean your Gut isn't smart, just that the others fooled your Brain! I'd give you a hug, if there was an icon for one. But there is only a Like. So that will have to do. Stay WOO!! And keep in touch. Here and on Clif High!

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I'm very thankful for all the work you do - and for all the information you share 🙏

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Quoting Clandestine:

"And in order to clean up something of this magnitude, it would take an alliance between the most powerful militaries in the world. That’s what you’re witnessing. “Military is the only way” wasn’t referring to just one military, it was referring to the militaries of China, Russia, and the US.

This is a joint operation to rid the world of evil."

Remembering China means PRC not CCP. See the Clandestine article from August 2 for details:

Russia Supports the PRC and Reveals the Alliance!

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Aug 12, 2022
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IMHO, any "joint op to rid the world of evil" includes more than DJT as representing the free world (think 2016 recruitment of DJT to run for President). The DS has a professional op to sow doubt on DJT. Where the DJT history includes his participation with the FBI to take down mafia, I'm inclined to see him as a good guy. Where any other doubt exists, it should not be discounted that all should be judged by the fruits of their labor. Consider the policies that jettisoned the US to prosperity. Even though I expected a DJT win in 2020 (and he did win), I had concerns about who would be able to follow him after a second term. We see more and more Republicans embrace the policies that benefit the US. It isn't just the man, it's the movement. The DS has gone into overdrive to attack America First candidates. It's too late. The movement is here to stay, with or without DJT.

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Aug 20, 2022
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The recruitment story is unsourced - no names, no branches, no affiliations. The statement seems to have credulity by virtue of his impossible 2016 win. If that story is accepted, it begs the question why there was a 2020 loss. Part of the question points to the op to take down the DS. While it's too risky to have the Biden Administration in power, IMHO, I have to admit there have been a lot of revelations of DS corruption. If the original premise is true (ML recruitment), it would be logical to expect DJT to return as President.

I believe there is support from an unknown quarter, otherwise the DS would have taken DJT out a long time ago.

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Aug 20, 2022Edited
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Kabuki Theater is so right. The DS/MSM has been in overdrive to smear & mud sling DJT & his endorsed candidates & Republicans who support him. BTW, and source that makes 20-year predictions has lost the right to be considered "proven".

Can't say much about where you are getting information, but offer my own experience in selecting DJT in 2016. I had voted Democrat for years. There was too much negative info on Hilary to take her seriously (Benghazi & so much more - see Wikileaks). When considering Republican candidates in 2016, DJT was the only viable one running. I didn't really like him & saw him as a bombastic blowhard - never watched any of his TV shows, just heard news clips. With personality set aside, I considered his policies just like I do with all candidates. I voted for DJT because I support his policies. Then we had 4 years of DJT policies that uplifted everyone in the country (except the DS politicians who make fortunes through graft & corruption). While DeSantis is likeable, IMHO, his policies should be what is considered, along with what is being accomplished in Florida under his watch.

You might check out Wikileaks for drops about DeSantis and/or Trump. It's not been current for a while, but it does provide some info from 2016 & years prior. Click on the Government tab & search whatever name. It's always entertaining.

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BTW, and - should be "any", not and.

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"How do you introduce evidence legally?"

Are we in a time of such corruption and deceit, that the only way to introduce it legally is a Military of an affected country Seizing It?

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The thing I worry about the most about the chickens coming home to roost is that we will already be in a serious war with Russia and then the truth won't matter anymore.

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Good stuff! Can't wait to see where this goes.

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The key question is what body is going to listen? The corruption is so prevalent in many of the key countries’ leaders. If there is no listening, is war the only path?

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It's hard to listen when everything is censored!!! Unfortunately, the Normies, people not on our side,.....have been brainwashed to believe that anything their MAIN STREAM MEDIA says is TRUTH. And every thing else is a LIE. And,....sadly they believed it.

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It is about time, to be honest. The Deep State/Globalists have been using our Country and our Military and our TAX dollars they steal with their DEBT SCHEME,....to destroy other countries for Decades! And no one has been able to hold them accountable. Let's just hope that the real President is in on this so that no one blows up the United States and kills millions of people!

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Looks like Russia have been stacking shelves in the rabbit hole

I think that this issue has been simmering for a fair while and cos of what the Russian MIL found in Ukraine 6 months ago are now heaping it on the deep state pyre which hopefully will send deep state as a whole to the gallows

This movie is about waking folks up to what's really going on and so Russia are in my view deliberately drip feeding their intel bout deep state into main stream. If folks are awake then they'll accept the truth and thus the result of deep state carrying out these highly illegal activities without much drama save for wanting bigger popcorn machines

What Russia tells us rather bluntly is that deep state have never played to the rules of the treaty and now it's going to stop - hang onto your coattails for what Russia has found out about how far in breach of the treaty the US is

My guess is that this is like the biolab issue

Thank you Clandestine

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Thanks again for the info, I no longer scour independent media sites for morsels of truth. I can gauge the progress of The Great Awakening based on your analysis of Geopolitical events. It's a blessing

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Can't believe we're on the verge of WW3 and the American (and worldwide) legacy media is intentionally out to lunch. Disappointing and upsetting to say the least. The Truth will come out, it always does.

Thanks for reporting this, Clandestine, and God Bless!

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Please, oh God, unleash Nemesis.

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Ah! You are a cat person. I'm a dog person. Funny how differently Dogs and Cats perceive the world, isn't it. At least if they were treated right as babies. I have 2 Chihuahuas who are sure that every human is unpredictable and potentially evil. They came that way as tiny puppies. Both their homes treated them like they had no feelings and were only useful as a sale. My third one,....trusts every one who doesn't have a toe nail clipper on them! LOL! Then I have my Aussie Puppy, she's a whole different kind of animal from my chihuahuas. It's good you got a degree in Psych, if you trust the information you were given in school,....do you? Both my parents were Professors at the U of M their whole lives. So, I grew up in a very collage oriented home. I am the oldest and the one daughter who refused to go to college. Instead I married, stayed home as a Mother, raised two children who now live here with us,.....and raised Sheltie and Chihuahua puppies! I loved to garden and I ignored politics my whole life until 2016. That's when I woke up! President Trump talked to me as if he was someone I'd known forever. He has my vote and my affection. Now, we are retired and I would love to have just had a peaceful old age with my grand children who here, we are all together, like an old time Family. It's awesome! My son's other half is here too. But I sure wish my eyes hadn't opened to the FRAUD, SCAMS, LIES and EVIL of these Globalists/Elites/Khazarian Mafia Crime Families. Ruined my retirement! I can't imagine what we will do financially when the Petro Dollar crashes......do you? Any way,....you seen now to have a pretty well balanced psyche,.....because you, unlike both my sisters with their U of M degrees, you see the TRUTH! So many people, especially the College Educated, seem to have been brainwashed completely! And you were not. That is a very good sign about your psychological health. Have hope! You are winning you own war. Do you remember The Lion King? When the Ape says,.....what's in the Past can't hurt you? It's done, it's gone. Time to move on and not dwell on it,....concentrate on the present and the future! From what Clif says,....it's going to be rough,....but it will be awesome too after we get rid of the Mother WEFers as he calls them. He had a new short video out tonight on Bitchute, if you didn't know. I was teasing my hubby at dinner, that I really needed a FIX! And there Clif is,.....my FIX is in. Enjoy it! He talks about the coming Ice Age....very important thing to know about now that we are in it. Winter is coming early this year.....Do you know about the Grand Solar Minimum? Here is a great link to it, if you don't. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/04/the_coming_modern_grand_solar_minimum.html

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HAS ANY ONE HEARD THAT STEVE BANNON TOLD ALEX JONES THAT THE FBI IS PLANNING ON ASSASSINATING PRESIDENT TRUMP? (I guess it's a no brainer really.) But did he really say that? I can't find a link to it. It was posted on Mewe. They also said that Bannon told Alex that they definitely PLANTED EVIDENCE!

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