Facebook censorship is led by Sir Nick Clegg (who did we used to call the Devil, old Nick was it?) British former deputy Prime Minister. The British (not the English, Scots, Irish or Welsh) are the problem. That supra national state created in 1706/7 who 70 years later attacked the English emigres who by then called themselves Americans. The British attacked you then, then again 1812, and ever since. Void the Act(s) of Union 1706/7 and give England and USA back their eternal friendship formed via the mutual constitutions which the British are still attacking.

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They are desperately afraid of the TRUTH.......and they should be.

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Plus, there are independent people on the ground reporting in real time. State Run media loses credibility with each exposed lie. The world has changed and the last to figure it out is always the State.

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One of the best analyst in my opinion can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUnc496-PPmFZVKlYxUnToA/videos

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