The Russians are the good guys. Oh what a world.

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Indeed, the Enemy of my Enemy has become my Dearest Friend.

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Yes; the adults play chess while the children play poker.

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No wonder the deep shits are scared.

Bring it on Putin!

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(Deep Shits)

No we aren't, but be careful getting any news in the Twitterverse unverified information going around has all the earmarks of Russian Disinformation, the #1 threat to our Democracy

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Hmm, not sure we're on the same page

The USA is not a democracy,

The #1 threat to my beloved USA Constitutional Republic is the deep shits - fbiciawhogaviunicef - you get my drift,

But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt as we've conversed before.

I don't twitter, fb, gab or insta or any chinese social media apes,

My Standards aim higher :-)

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OMG alicat I'm speaking from the point of view of the Deep State, notice (Deep Shits)

in parenthesis. It's been too long since we chatted because some alley cat is talking down to a Calico with 4 side hustles/2 youtube channels/and a bank account look at my F@$#ing Avatar. Back the Fuck Up I'm advertising for my substack don't be low hanging fruit, I'm thirsty and Lemonade sounds refreshing right now

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How are you able to look down on us mortals with that cloud of stupidity in the way?

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Clandestine, your work is truly appreciated. ❤️

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I hate to say it, but the legacy media will cry, "Russian Disinformation."

When Elon spills the truth in black and white from Twitter, the fireworks will start. The masses will abandon the legacy media in droves. It can't happen fast enough.

Thanks for your great reporting, Clandestine, and God Bless!

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deletedDec 30, 2022·edited Dec 30, 2022
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Interesting comment.. Care to elaborate Molly?

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Thank you for that information

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I have been anxiously waiting for this update. The only issue I have is that noone is listening. Somehow they have to get it out there for ALL to see. More is coming and way worse than C-19 even though so many died for no reason except the desire of the globalist scum to cull the herd.

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Holy shit nobody, you mean there is something more deadly than the flu coming down the pipeline, I better fill a syringe with aids/nano tech/ spiked proteins and put it in my veins. I can't wear a mask and live in fear until the next election cycle

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The globals needed someway to cut off the sickly unproductive consumers that would be a resource drain of their resources lengthening the time it would take to implement their plans. It seems their getting impatient.

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🙏praying that EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF EVIL comes to light. Good job, young’un! Anxiously waiting for the tribunals to start. Keep on delivering the info, and I will keep praying. One of my prayers is for EVERYONE TO HAVE A BLESSED NEW YEAR!🙏🇺🇸❤️

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Rita your prayers have been answered already, when more people are praying we will see it, keep believing keep praying GOD wouldn't let his children down and the military doesn't give details until the last mission is accomplished. Watch restoredrepublic.co they drop hints of what's coming and they are first to share intel when battles are won

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Thank you for the info! I will get on there ASAP. I also pray that they don’t miss anybody. I want ALL of the evil GONE. God bless you and yours!🙏🇺🇸❤️

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Coming to light will not interfere with their plans. The light needs to be ultraviolet light allowing them be disinfected of their demonic brainwashing.

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Thank you for this, I was alert for the next update. I looked into the status of the BWC conference a few days ago but after 20-30 minutes of parliamentary blather, I gave up. It did deepen my appreciation for those of you who wade through that crap to bring us notables. Thank you again!

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Hence [they] stole as much as possible during the Lame Duck session. The price of black mail has gone up drastically.

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Another reason I think, is Trump turned off their spigot for a while and they needed to makeup for lost revenue.

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Yep, no beak wetting under Trump.

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they been bone dry for years Trump is the man

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January, 2023 looking good for the perfect storm against the DS.

I really appreciate your work. This topic of "CoVID as a Bioweapon by DS" brings down the whole house of cards. Good work Clandestine

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There are days recently when I wished I lived in Russia. I want my country back but then, from all I have learned over the years, did we really ever have a country? I’m so ready to see these bastards burn at the stake! Everyone one of them!

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Roger That

If at first you don't secede ...


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Fill a pool with Holy Water and push 'em off the high dive. Be done in a day no smell of burnt pedo lingering. Might have get the Holy Water shipped in if you do it in DC.

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Boy o boy, don't you love it when a plan comes together. You are the man, Clandestine, when it comes to the Biological Warfare in Ukraine, and in general. Great contribution to the biggest Spiritual War of humankind. Almost thought we might lose you around November 15th but you came back with MOAB's. I will get busy sharing far and wide, it is so refreshing to catch a glimpse of how the MSM will be taken down. Praise GOD. No more limitations on getting the message out to the normies will kick this Great Awakening into 12th Gear and I can start Bitch Slapping people saying nothing is happening. Great time to be alive, would love to have you join the "Alarm Clocks" we are waking people up to the most Important issues in a proper way, technically you are an Alarm Clock so won't be long. I miss this comment section a lot....

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I dont know about anyone else but most of the people I talk to aren't even aware of any of this because they themselves aren't spending the time to look into it and MSM isn't reporting on it. Almost everyone I talk to is unaware, think I'm the crazy one and just want to "get past covid" and move on with life.

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I've seen the headlines years ago:

Provoked, Russia neutralizes US.

Entire World joins America

Thanking Russia.

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No, Rather I mean Nemesis is thanked for punishing Hubris.

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All the countries in the World lend their thanks, as well as America's thanks, to Russia for making the World a little better.

Sorry my headlines were so opaque.

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Great work Clandestine!

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I’m with Putin and have been since noted the enemy of my enemy is my friend - about the time that psychopath Victoria Nuland started that war.

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US tax dollars continue to sustain Zelenskyy’s hunger for power, wants the US to continue supporting his ambition of winning against Russia. The war will continue like Afghanistan and the US have not won a war since WW11.

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But he promised to defeat Russia in two days if we gave him another loan, no more loans for transexual politicians, thanks Zelensky. We can pull money from studying the affects cocaine has on male frog populations, yes cocaine=gay for pay, don't need science to know that, sell cocaine to DNC for a good price get reselected, AMERICA , FUCK YEAH!!!

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on point like a decimal Molly , George Webb was never really wrong, which is why I believe he was taken off the board.

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Don't forget this is the de facto biden we have. One of my Family members called him Butt f#cking Biden today and I was rolling... please drop your email I would love to have you in the loop with all future publications of Fresh Baked with Soulbiscit, I will gift you a subscription because its about the message not the $$$

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