The Russians are correct.

And Fauci has no recollection.

Uh huh!

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I read on Michael Snyder's substack about this new "pangolin" virus that is 100% fatal in mice. I'm SURE it's from a pangolin, and it probably IS 100% fatal not only in mice, but in humans. It's probably going to become known in March. And you can bet it's being targeted for the continent of Africa, as that pesky continent avoided major death tolls because they used that pesky ivermectin. Of course that would solve the demoncrat's issue about Trump, as they'd lock us all down again, and tell everyone that voting via mail was THE ONLY WAY to keep grandma safe.

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Of course the RUSSIAN FUCKING MILITARY would say that.

Of course, I would totally expect that's what our government is planning.

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Nathan Wolfe is intricately tied to Hunter Biden via Metabiota and that's intricately tied to Ukraine. Threads within threads within threads.

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Thanks to Clandestines Newsletter, I know damn well Russia is not the enemy and I for damn sure believe every damn word of it. Thank God we have the sense to know who the real enemy is and what their tactrics are. Once again you can thank clandestine for breaking it down for us to know just what our government is capable of. They can't get one over on us but still they try. And I am gonna say this right now, fuck what you heard from the top virologists, what you think they are above reproach? You think they won't sell your ass down the river? Don't be foolish,and I won't have to curse to get your attention. Dr. Christina Rahms(don't kill me if I spell some names wrong) was out there at the vatican getting knighted by the pope last month. You think the pope gives out awards for helping people? Or her husband clayton getting courted by the Freegheysons, that's not because they are helping people. You think Dr. Rahms was working for Pfizer most of her career trying to help people? Stop listening to these fools, just cause they are so called experts...

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Jan 18, 2024
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Yeah it came straight from Clayton, he was on Michael Jaco's channel doing an interview about a week and a half ago. He might have posted it on rumble. Otherwise it's only available for members of the IWC.

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My guess is no. It's to obviesly.

My tip is that they will send troops to Ukrain, declear war against Russia, declear Material Law, and cancel the Presidential election. In september I guess.

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