Omg!!! I have no words. All the info coming out verifies the “conspiracies” and those that believed our government was truly involved to hurt its own people!!!! The vaccines are not vaccines. The c19 virus is a bioweapon. There is no attempt to cure or stabilize this virus and now comes monkeypox which sounds worse than it actually is. This has to be spread all over so we the people can digest it. Nothing is what it seems. It is all a freakin coverup!!! Everything. Thanks to you Clandestine and other truth finders for keeping us in the know and being able to have facts instead of coverup lies!!!!! 🤦‍♀️ 😳😳👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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From day one I said this was a manufactured virus. I have said like you that there were multiple conspirators involved.. I have also said that this was a weak version and a test of what they could do. Be ready for worse to come. After reading this I have to say God Dammit. These so called leaders are so desperate to control the masses at any cost they have killed and harmed millions to further this agenda. If you took the shot I am sorry for you and will pray for you. If you did not make no mistake it is the mark and will be your undoing so just don't ever even think about it. Please. I researched that to high heaven and when they won't tell you whats in it and cannot say it will cure or prevent it ( which they said that from the beginning to anyone that asked) then it cannot be good for you. I've been censored, banned, and stymied by my positions on these things. I will never stop though. You should not either. This is a very powerful report and when they finally present all of their evidence the USA is not going to look good because of it. I will say to the People. Take your country back. Whatever it might take. We must not allow this to continue or we will all be subjugated.

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Holy shit!!! I pray Biden’s, Clinton’s, and Obama’s pay for these crimes soon. Evil.

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Dear God, please wipe out this despicable EVIL!!!!!!!! I have not trusted Big Pharma, Western Medicine, our Government for many many years, but this reveal shows a level of evil that I could not have imagined. Thank you B.C. for all you do to shed light onto all of this satanic darkness.

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I quite like Quetiapine - makes me forget about everything - shame the Afghans stopped planting poppies

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Just imagine what Xi will find in Taiwan, despite Pelosi’s trip to likely urge the Taiwan govt to destroy the evidence.

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Or more horrifyingly release the next batch of microbes with the intention of making sure that those who took the needle pass on

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Pelosi's Taiwan visit kerfuffle has generated lots of China boogeyman news. "Look here, not there!" The DS/DNC still wants us to believe China created Covid-19. It may have originated in the Wuhan Lab, but that does not identify the actual entity that created the pathogen in violation of the Biological Weapons Convenrtion (BWC) or Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) effective 26 March 1975. We are fortunate that you are reporting this information - we surely will not hear about it from US news outlets. Expressing my gratitude for your reports as the Deep State slides into Deep Shit.

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What an amazing piece!!! I’ve followed American politics since 1964 when I attended a Barry Goldwater Rally with my Parents. Cut my teeth in the military defense industry starting with my 4 year enlistment in the Air Force as a C5A Technician in 1971. Then back to school and a couple years at Lockheed, P3 Orions and CP140’s. Then on to FMC/United Defense/BAE Systems retiring after 35 years with Army Field Service on Military Track vehicles. Deployed to Desert Shield/Storm in 1989, then Iraq in 2004, 2005, 2006 with my assigned Army units. I’ve been a staunch Patriot Conservative, fighting Communism in support of our American Freedom and Liberty! Retired in 2018. Then the night of November 3, 2020 watching the Election returns on Fox News, I realized that something very serious was wrong with our beloved America! That’s the night I was Red Pilled and have been diving down that Rabbit Hole ever since. Your amazing articles about the US funded/supported BIO Labs in Ukraine has literally rocked my boat on all things Election Fraud and the absolutely massive Deep State corruption that’s become so obvious these past 2 years! Man oh Man! The Lies that I knew were so true all my adult life! Thank you for all you are doing! You are connecting to “We The People”!

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I sincerely “thank you” for your years of service, sir. Praying the good Lord blesses you and yours.

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Have not trusted our government for about the past 21 months or so...ever since the 2020 election. Knew then that things were going to go to “hell in a hand basket”. But I am just a “bat shit crazy conspiracy theorist”. Really started having issues during C-19...just was not a believer. Now look at where we are folks. We are staring PURE UNADULTERATED EVIL IN THE FACE. But GOD is great and GOD WINS!

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Wow. Boom. I actually think the war started when Israel bombed a weapons depot in Beirut in 2019. Russia, Turkey, and Iran (Persia) announced a pact in 2018. Two Ukrainian ships were at port when the port blew up. They were trying to move weapons underground which were eventually headed to Iran possibly to be used against Israel. That's why Israel shot the weapons depot with an incendiary missile that caused the explosion about 30 seconds later. By the time the explosion happened, the fighter that launched the missile was already gone. This was revealed from a cell phone video that was decried as an obvious fake and quickly scrubbed from the internet. David Icke had the video posted on his site for a while. The video wasn't fake, but the story about an accidental fire and explosion caused by fertilizer was.

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It sure damn is! And all these sick psycho fooks will pay in the end. Crimes against humanity and treason don’t pay well. Precipice looms.

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At this point, I just don't know what to say............... Except, excellent work! Thank you.

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Thank You Clandestine 🙏

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WOW. That's good information,....I was sure the 'variants' were simply releases of new clones of the main bug. I told my husband that they were releasing them all around the world. They always came out just in time to cause panic to continue and the Emergency to continue. Everything that comes out, shows just how incredibly EVIL the Khazarian Mafia are, evil like nothing I ever imagined. That kind of hate, to hate the human race that much, I would have thought would have to be coming from a race that wasn't human,....maybe they aren't really human like the rest of us are. Perhaps Clif High is correct and they are a human/Alien hybrid that is separate from us, perhaps that is also part of why they only breed with each other. The farthest out they'll breed is 2nd cousins,....and that's only when there isn't a 1st Cousin available. If you have any interested in these 'creatures'....take a look at this Article on Veterans Today.....it follows the History of these Evil things,....as much as it can as they have done all they could to HIDE themselves from us,.....and you'll see they have been working on this plan of global domination for about 2000 years. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/03/10/the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia/

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VT is not a credible source, and the Khazars went extinct In about 950 AD. NO trace left.

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I disagree. The Khazars did not 'Go Extinct.' LOL! They are the Name Stealers and they hide every where. The Khazars bred themselves into every other race in Europe in order to infiltrate from within and destroy. Those were the Instructions their '"Sage' gave them way back 2000 years ago. When they found they couldn't bring down the Royal Houses, they bred into them and killed the original Royals. Their kids took over and ruled in their place. That is why the "jews" in Israel have almost no real "jewish" DNA at all,.... research shows it's less than 3%. The only real jews are in Palestine now. Go watch Clif High's Videos,...he goes into the Khazarian Mafia in more detail. He's on Bitchute and he has a Substack news letter.

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I don't get historical knowledge from videos..

I READ. Clif High is a pretender. I have seen some of his stuff, but it's not annotated. Little writing or documentation. That's hardly "proof". Silly, really.

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That's a LIE, and you are a Jew-hater. Nobody but Jew-haters believe any of that. The scholarly DNA analysis of known Khazarian graves, and linguistic analysis clearly shows that they were a Turkic people, with enough haplo groups to also be Semitic in origin.

Have you even studied anything about that area of the world? It was overrun and conquered by Persians, the Mongol Golden Horde, Vikings, Slavs, Arabs, the whole thing. There was a lot of intermarriage.

There's not a lot of archeological evidence to study...But just in case you're using this as a case to deny Jews the legitimate claim to Israeli land, I suggest God's rules for conversion SPOKEN BY GOD HIMSELF, about who is a Jew. What constitutes a Jew in conversion involved pledging obedience to Jehovah, getting circumcised, "cleaving to the Lord", and following the Mosaic law.

That makes ANY PERSON who wishes to be a Jew, and meet those conditions, a full-fledged Jew, in God's eyes. And this opinion is the only one that matters. And any of those converts is eligible to claim Jewishness AND Israeli citizenship.

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Best. Movie. Ever.

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I just forwarded this to Charlie Kirk! If more will do it also, it will definitely get his attention to expose what Clandestine is revealing!


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Awesome information as always - makes sense - and of course Russia's allegations are totally ignored by MSM. Even though I would love the info provided, I have never worn a Fitbit or similar or done a 23 & me type test-never trusted what those companies would do with the information- especially now. Scientists like Judy Mikovits were saying that "C " was a man-made virus from the very beginning. COVID was the way to usher in the Great Reset- the New World Order. Trump had to be stopped - they could not control him- he doesnt need their money or influence and he believes in America's greatness- land of the free because of the brave!. C19 was all about the election- pushing fear so that mass mail in ballots could be instituted - thereby making it easier to cheat. Tell others to choose faith over fear - and to get educated. These people are evil and must/will be exposed and stopped. Good trumps ( pun intended) evil...God wins!

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