Unfortunately, we live in a Country controlled by CCP/Globalists/Khazarian Mafia (all one thing), and for what they have done to the whole planet, using our tax money and our Military, we will pay the price.
It's too bad we had no clue. And those people who did see it and tried to tell us,....we Laughed at them and Ridiculed them,...cal…
Unfortunately, we live in a Country controlled by CCP/Globalists/Khazarian Mafia (all one thing), and for what they have done to the whole planet, using our tax money and our Military, we will pay the price.
It's too bad we had no clue. And those people who did see it and tried to tell us,....we Laughed at them and Ridiculed them,...calling them CONSPRIRACY NUTS. (Poor Alex Jones and Mike Adams!) It may be that we the people should not be so quick to dismiss warnings just because they sound outlandish!
I hope we learn from this experience, it's going to be very traumatic for MILLIONS of people to realize that the Country they live in has been doing evil, cruel, horrific and terrifying things to other countries all over the planet.
America,....the Puppet government that has been in power since WW2, is a MASSIVE BULLY. I wish that the innocent misguided people on the LEFT would wake up and see this clearly,.....it would help us to find ways to work together to destroy this Evil that has infiltrated our Government and Country so completely. I think that is what President Trump and the White Hats are trying to do,.....help the people wake up and realize they've been BAMBOOZLED.
It may be that the time is coming when the Harsh Reality will hit them in the face. And our Civilization will fall apart. Get ready. The time is coming. This Elite Group of Crime Families, it is their intent to cause mass starvation and freezing to death of the common man, woman and child this Winter. We will need to try to help each other through this,.....and keep each other safe. And of course, we need our President, the one who actually WON the Election, back in the Whitehouse!
AJ influenced tons of independent thinkers but fell out of favor with his lack of impulse control screaming, shouting and general dramatics. He is a mystery regarding years of dynamic truth stories and then going off into raspy voiced crazy land.
Mike Adams goes deep into the land of warnings but is way easier to listen to him and seems not to be influenced by questionable sources since like AJ since he's got his own health and communications operation under control.
Some of us have always felt things were wrong but couldn't identify the source for our unrest, only to find out there are vast swaths of our society that do not have the betterment of humanity in their agenda. I'm no spring chicken and remember pieces of dinner table conversation about "The Ugly American" back when it was published in 1958.
I'm not young either, 62. But I paid no attention to politics or world domination of other countries by our Country. It's very clear now, that I should have paid attention,...and cared. I was home raising my kids and raising dogs,.....and busy all day long. But I should have found time.
I didn't care because I believed it was all RIGGED so why bother. My husband voted, I never voted until 2016 for Donald J. Trump. Finally I found someone I really trusted cared about our country and us. Those 4 years were the best years of my 62 years! I finally knew we had a strong and confident President and that things would be much better. Especially when we became Energy Independent! No other president had ever even TRIED! Finally we didn't have to beg for OIL from Countries that hated us. What a relief that was!
But I never dreamed that a group of people would decided that the abortions, their making us sick by screwing up our diets and water,...their drugs that kill slowly like STATINS weren't killing us fast enough and that they need to find a faster way to depopulate the planet. Who in their right mind would have believed that!!
The fact that a Shadow Government rules America and has since WW2 helps so much in understanding why most of our government, the legislators and the Justices have no power. All the power is in the Office of the President-KING. That was the most eye opening thing I've ever read. Have you read The17th Special Operations Groups pages here on Substack? OMG! Despite Patel Patriot not agreeing with them,....what they say rings true to me much more so that his Devolution. Take a look. It's a long read,....but it's very, very good. start at the beginning though, each page builds on the one before it. Here is the link. https://17sog.substack.com/
Mike Adams is first about his empire and getting clicks. That said, I have seen him conduct some very nice interviews, on his Brighteon channel. It galls me he doesn't give links to hard sources in his articles except to link his previous articles. He gets very defensive - to the point of hostility without provocation. when asked to explain his scientific claims. Getting arch and hostile quickly is usually a tip off someone doesn't have the goods. He is a mix; I do not doubt he is smart - he founded Brighteon and his Health Ranger stuff is popular, I just wish he would not push the emotion buttons before knowledge. That formula is how he has made good money, sure.
Unfortunately, we live in a Country controlled by CCP/Globalists/Khazarian Mafia (all one thing), and for what they have done to the whole planet, using our tax money and our Military, we will pay the price.
It's too bad we had no clue. And those people who did see it and tried to tell us,....we Laughed at them and Ridiculed them,...calling them CONSPRIRACY NUTS. (Poor Alex Jones and Mike Adams!) It may be that we the people should not be so quick to dismiss warnings just because they sound outlandish!
I hope we learn from this experience, it's going to be very traumatic for MILLIONS of people to realize that the Country they live in has been doing evil, cruel, horrific and terrifying things to other countries all over the planet.
America,....the Puppet government that has been in power since WW2, is a MASSIVE BULLY. I wish that the innocent misguided people on the LEFT would wake up and see this clearly,.....it would help us to find ways to work together to destroy this Evil that has infiltrated our Government and Country so completely. I think that is what President Trump and the White Hats are trying to do,.....help the people wake up and realize they've been BAMBOOZLED.
It may be that the time is coming when the Harsh Reality will hit them in the face. And our Civilization will fall apart. Get ready. The time is coming. This Elite Group of Crime Families, it is their intent to cause mass starvation and freezing to death of the common man, woman and child this Winter. We will need to try to help each other through this,.....and keep each other safe. And of course, we need our President, the one who actually WON the Election, back in the Whitehouse!
AJ influenced tons of independent thinkers but fell out of favor with his lack of impulse control screaming, shouting and general dramatics. He is a mystery regarding years of dynamic truth stories and then going off into raspy voiced crazy land.
Mike Adams goes deep into the land of warnings but is way easier to listen to him and seems not to be influenced by questionable sources since like AJ since he's got his own health and communications operation under control.
Some of us have always felt things were wrong but couldn't identify the source for our unrest, only to find out there are vast swaths of our society that do not have the betterment of humanity in their agenda. I'm no spring chicken and remember pieces of dinner table conversation about "The Ugly American" back when it was published in 1958.
I'm not young either, 62. But I paid no attention to politics or world domination of other countries by our Country. It's very clear now, that I should have paid attention,...and cared. I was home raising my kids and raising dogs,.....and busy all day long. But I should have found time.
I didn't care because I believed it was all RIGGED so why bother. My husband voted, I never voted until 2016 for Donald J. Trump. Finally I found someone I really trusted cared about our country and us. Those 4 years were the best years of my 62 years! I finally knew we had a strong and confident President and that things would be much better. Especially when we became Energy Independent! No other president had ever even TRIED! Finally we didn't have to beg for OIL from Countries that hated us. What a relief that was!
But I never dreamed that a group of people would decided that the abortions, their making us sick by screwing up our diets and water,...their drugs that kill slowly like STATINS weren't killing us fast enough and that they need to find a faster way to depopulate the planet. Who in their right mind would have believed that!!
The fact that a Shadow Government rules America and has since WW2 helps so much in understanding why most of our government, the legislators and the Justices have no power. All the power is in the Office of the President-KING. That was the most eye opening thing I've ever read. Have you read The17th Special Operations Groups pages here on Substack? OMG! Despite Patel Patriot not agreeing with them,....what they say rings true to me much more so that his Devolution. Take a look. It's a long read,....but it's very, very good. start at the beginning though, each page builds on the one before it. Here is the link. https://17sog.substack.com/
Mike Adams is first about his empire and getting clicks. That said, I have seen him conduct some very nice interviews, on his Brighteon channel. It galls me he doesn't give links to hard sources in his articles except to link his previous articles. He gets very defensive - to the point of hostility without provocation. when asked to explain his scientific claims. Getting arch and hostile quickly is usually a tip off someone doesn't have the goods. He is a mix; I do not doubt he is smart - he founded Brighteon and his Health Ranger stuff is popular, I just wish he would not push the emotion buttons before knowledge. That formula is how he has made good money, sure.